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Status Updates posted by MrPizzaCat

  1. Is a jaw a Steve rig cliche?

  2. It might be the dead hours, but i'm working on a real wallpaper.

  3. I'm gonna try to take a break here for at least a week bai

  4. My Friday the 13th NES cartridge doesn't work D:

    1. DigitalEvorian


      ;-; it is hunted by jason


    1. ÜberKiller


      sorry, that was my fault. I forgot to approve his first post. then it all took over

    1. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      Hm, you and I have a similar graphics card

      How much FPS?

    2. MrPizzaCat
  6. Oh Scott has a twitter and a Twitch..

    1. ChaseTheBoss69


      Yeah but he's never gonna use it...

    2. MrPizzaCat


      Look at scottgames.com

    3. MrDonoB



      he does

  7. Well i inserted the battery pack into my Xbox 360 controller and it started to vibrate....

    1. MrPizzaCat


      And now the 3rd and 4th lights are on.

    2. Mineupfast


      Controllers can have red rings of death too?

    3. DigitalEvorian


      not PlayStation... lol..

  8. *Tries to wait for Mewtwo*

  9. Why do i hear a Ghast on Mine-Imaserv?

    1. Allemn


      Because, there is the ghast statue on the spawn.

    2. Phupha
  10. My MineCraft world IS FULL OF SHEEPS HELP

  11. You are grounded grounded grounded for 98483043 years

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CarlHeadCrashed


      Caollyou, you are grounded grounded grounded for 93840599309838748948379283748899372 years. now go to your room.

    3. flufffybuns


      Cailou, how dare you burn your little sister. Your grounded grounded grounded grounded for 462374363 years. Now go to bed. Cailou: Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why

    4. Caeden117


      *Gets mom to unground me* HA!

  12. It took me 3 years to start getting tired of MineCraft...

  13. Now to wait over 9000 years for a render.

  14. Should i make another Pokémon rig?

  15. David, Do you plan on adding armature so you can rig the .obj models?

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