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Everything posted by ✰NickStar✰

  1. Chat not working for me -.- it just says loading chat forever

  2. Chat not working for me -.- it just says loading chat forever

  3. Chat not working for me -.- it just says loading chat forever

  4. Chat not working for me -.- it just says loading chat forever

  5. Chat not working for me -.- it just says loading chat forever

  6. Mineimator 1.0.0 is missing the import feature

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Winterin Animations

      Winterin Animations

      Do you mean for importing worlds? Or importing animations?

    3. Robert Assassinations

      Robert Assassinations

      Import animation I think?

    4. Robert Assassinations

      Robert Assassinations

      Import animation I think?

  7. I hope you guys like it i worked pretty hard on this getting everything to look right
  8. It mostly depends if you have an old skin not from 1.8 if you have an old skin Skincraft should convert it to a new skin once imported
  9. I found out first thing is go to this game SkinCraft then import your skin Next Export it once again to your computer as an png After that simply open up mineimator 1.0.0 add a character select change skin and select a file that says my_skin this should work fine Example I hope this helped alot
  10. For me loading time does not take long at all just 1 second

  11. i figured it out i was maybe thinking of uploading a tut to use it perfectly well not perfectly just right just ask.
  12. Thats a big thanks coming from you btw photoshop was not used i did it all in mineimator
  13. i just woke up and ready to switch to mineimator 1.0.0 i woke up a bit early so its probably not out just yet but still can't wait hope yah like my first wallpaper made with mineimator 0.7
  14. I present you my second rig its Kid Icarus Uprising Pit Rig you may know pit from smash bros or the first kid icarus games or you just seen him or heard of him from uprising or may not know at all. More Pictures Below VVVVVVVVVVVVVV Look at his upbeat face! Nice smile pit it looks good if you want to know how to make the wings blue just change the overlay color. And the one and only download. https://www.dropbox.com/s/14iqlie2md2u4fy/Pit%20Rig%20From%20Kid%20Icarus%20Uprising.zip I hope you all like this
  15. it looks really good
  16. I Like making rigs now.

    1. Hawtur


      respect others member x3j50, u dont will like if he do that, and good job for a newbie on mineimator, pretty amazing

  17. this is my first rig for mineimator this pack contains: toonlink: a pig: Picture: sorry no master sword or "heros sword" (and shield) yet I Hope You guys like this DOWNLOAD BELOW https://www.dropbox.com/s/t8wfuz5p8m1od0k/Legend%20Of%20Zelda%20Pack.zip
  18. ✰NickStar✰

    Jeep rig

    i'll use it for my test animation
  19. Awesome + btw are you finishing are requests
  20. Never mind plz make my skin Skin: 3D Hair: Edit can it be full 3d hair like this https://yt3.ggpht.com/-q21q4CsCXu8/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/VY1iG33pTf0/s900-c-k-no/photo.jpg?%C2'> again Yes 3D Face: Yes No Hat No Fingers Emotions: Yes Anything Else?: Nope, Thats all I want Download(PM or Comment): PM
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