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  1. Yesterday
  2. been a hot minute since i did something here so take this. the track is not mine, it is originally by Sturm/Churgney Gurgney this is just a vocal cover and also me singing so enjoy my horrible voice


  3. This exact thing happened to me, the only thing i could do is go to the mineimator files, delete mineimator, (including the projects that were not saved) and download an old version of mineimator and uptade it to the latest version.
  4. Character(s) used (left to right) Valence (my own skin) and avainyt_2024 (IG) Credits: Face rig: World and portal:
  5. Lower Manhattan in 1995 map by aBitterMelon on Planet Minecraft The Twin Towers by me
  6. Maybe this video could help you out a bit hopefully? If not, there's usually plenty of tutorials on YouTube that can help.
  7. I usually ask people for help because I can't create lighting in my renders.
  8. I uh made a Sally Face, Sal Fisher rig 


    Here are some photos:



    And got the jail outfit aswell:



    And got his guitar:


    Note: the guitar is not made by me, its from somebody else but I forgot their name, sorry

    And it got expressions made by me, but dont unhide all the expressions file just the one you want to select, but you dont need to since Sal got a mask.

    Here is the download:


  9. 调贝塞尔曲线发现下面有一个按钮是 链接缓入/缓出,这是个啥功能
  10. That is true! I think a better designed action plant a solid believe in the existence of the virtual world you made, which is kind of important for real creators.
  11. Last week
  12. im doing some ilega- i mean, cool tests on mine-imator. There was so many bugs on mine-imator that i used on my animations, some are usefull and some are useless, my idea is to make most bugs more usefull like the hashed alpha mode, or render depth glitch. Imagine god rays on mine-imator? if all works maybe i will release a tutorial/rig of how to do it 💀

  13. Most versions should be supported, you can also experiment and find out for yourself instead of worrying.
  14. When it comes to hosting, I would make sure that you're using a trustworthly option, I would also go for something more open source. Optionally, if you have the spare hardware laying around, you could also selfhost your own server and do more than just hosting images. I selfhost a lot of things here at home and prefer doing things this way.
  15. i want to create an animation, but i dont know how to "make a point?" to animate sorry for my bad english
  16. Character(s): SpikeyBuilder (YT) (the bigger one is my remake of his skin) Credits Face rig: Waving strings rig:
  17. Sure, you can use these for your animation you want. Feel free to use it.
  18. can I use the weapons for my animation? (you would get credits)
  19. Hey! I want to add a world to mine imator for one of my project but i don't know which minecraft version is supported. Can someone list it or send me a link where it is listed?
  20. https://app.popsilla.com/en/pc/audacity?bingcust=ppxcr&msclkid=89ba281480f2125a151e4e2a1d9b8fbe&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PSCR - PS - USA - Desktop Software&utm_term=audacity free&utm_content=Software - Audacity
  21. download the audacity app (next steps are optional if you want to record YouTube videos) go to edit and click preferences under interface, use windows WASAPI under playback, use Speaker/HP under recording, select the same thing, but with a loopback press OK enjoy your audio
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