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I don't like this one, it's not my best work. But, I told myself I'd show you all of my new wallpapers for critism so I could get better. CC is appreciated, but if you can't be kind please don't say anything.


Edit: This was made before the 1.2.2 came out.

Edited by TheJeweledWolf
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Okay, so! 

Right off the bat, I noticed the skin doesn't really fit the scene or texture pack. The town is obviously fantasy-esque, but the skin looks more modern and the shading technique clashes with the style of the texture pack. While it's not too big of a deal, it's a pet peeve of mine. 

As for the scenery, it's passable, but the left top corner seems fairly empty. Some mountains could fix it. Another alternative is having a low FOV to mimic an orthographic lens, so the background covers up more.

The lighting its self is pretty nonexistent as there aren't really any shadows and the colors seem pretty desaturated. That could be because the wallpaper is supposed to be cloudy though I guess.

Lastly; the camera. To put it simply. It's boring. Honestly made me yawn. (I am sleep deprived though, so *shrug*) The vignette is a bit too strong. the angle is just plain boring and the entire camera just really lacks.  I don't really know what to say on how to improve it, but I suggest experimenting with stuff a lot. Like bloom. It doesn't really have any of that. 


Other than that I'd rate it a 6.3/10.

Keep at it and never give up and you will improve!


-- You're friendly Forum Critic, Tug.

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1 hour ago, Foxtrot0806 said:

Okay, so! 

Right off the bat, I noticed the skin doesn't really fit the scene or texture pack. The town is obviously fantasy-esque, but the skin looks more modern and the shading technique clashes with the style of the texture pack. While it's not too big of a deal, it's a pet peeve of mine. 

As for the scenery, it's passable, but the left top corner seems fairly empty. Some mountains could fix it. Another alternative is having a low FOV to mimic an orthographic lens, so the background covers up more.

The lighting its self is pretty nonexistent as there aren't really any shadows and the colors seem pretty desaturated. That could be because the wallpaper is supposed to be cloudy though I guess.

Lastly; the camera. To put it simply. It's boring. Honestly made me yawn. (I am sleep deprived though, so *shrug*) The vignette is a bit too strong. the angle is just plain boring and the entire camera just really lacks.  I don't really know what to say on how to improve it, but I suggest experimenting with stuff a lot. Like bloom. It doesn't really have any of that. 


Other than that I'd rate it a 6.3/10.

Keep at it and never give up and you will improve!


-- You're friendly Forum Critic, Tug.

As for the skin, I just don't care much to scour the internet for one that matches perfectly with the resourcepack. For the top left corner, I can't really add mountains because of lag, and the fact there is an ocean in that direction. But whatever.

The lighting could be better, I agree. I didn't spend a lot of time on this one, I didn't care to. The wallpaper is desaturated because I wanted to add a clouded, or maybe depressed, mood to it.

The camera doesn't have visable bloom because the sky is a custom texture. It didn't show. 

(I kinda hate the ratings people give each other, but that's just a personal issue)

43 minutes ago, WAZZL3 said:

Its good, i like the hair swing


13 minutes ago, EmberWing said:

I just realized... Isn't that the Nicole skin? I mean, I even drew it, it took me like coming back here like three times in order to figure that out.


Oops I forgot to add an upvote

Yes it is, it's kinda like my only fanart for the rp lol

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