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The Crew, First Public Mineimator wallpaper

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I am new to Mineimator, so any tips on how to do better poses, walks cycles, or lighting would be helpful, But if you don't have anything nice, or useful don't comment. People who comment stuff like "The Lighting Sucks" and don't give any tips on hoe to fix it really Agitate me. 

Edited by DrakonProductions
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Hey mate! Okay so first of all I like the idea alot! But the image itself could use a bit of reworking.

I would suggest using the blur effect for the camera, yet to a degree. What I mean is if you can't see anything that would be a problem, but being able to see everything is a problem in some cases as well because it could look too dull. When you look at the image think to yourself what you're are trying to convey also. What do you want the viewer to pay attention to? What do you want the viewer not to care about too much? this should help you with selective blurring. 

Another thing is that you should have a bit more emphasis on that sun, yet like the blur effect, try and be rational with it. You don't want the effect to be blinding, but it has to be there to the point of where you can feel it while looking at the picture. With the sun being one of the main objects too it would be much better if you enlarged it, and over exaggerated the color it is putting off. You want some nice dark shadows at the back of those dudes as well to obtain that gud feelin.

One last thing mate, camera angles are one of the most important things to pay attention to in animation and wallpapers. It's one of the main factors that define your final product, so try your best to get the greatest angle you think of, as it might be overall decision maker.

Sorry for the essay mate, and I with the best of luck! :D 

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2 hours ago, Cybernetic Cinema said:

Hey mate! Okay so first of all I like the idea alot! But the image itself could use a bit of reworking.

I would suggest using the blur effect for the camera, yet to a degree. What I mean is if you can't see anything that would be a problem, but being able to see everything is a problem in some cases as well because it could look too dull. When you look at the image think to yourself what you're are trying to convey also. What do you want the viewer to pay attention to? What do you want the viewer not to care about too much? this should help you with selective blurring. 

Another thing is that you should have a bit more emphasis on that sun, yet like the blur effect, try and be rational with it. You don't want the effect to be blinding, but it has to be there to the point of where you can feel it while looking at the picture. With the sun being one of the main objects too it would be much better if you enlarged it, and over exaggerated the color it is putting off. You want some nice dark shadows at the back of those dudes as well to obtain that gud feelin.

One last thing mate, camera angles are one of the most important things to pay attention to in animation and wallpapers. It's one of the main factors that define your final product, so try your best to get the greatest angle you think of, as it might be overall decision maker.

Sorry for the essay mate, and I with the best of luck! :D 

Thanks for the tips. This plus all the tutorials i have been watching today should help. 


1 hour ago, Enchantek said:

They vaguely look like the Slamacow trio...

That's because i was watching his animation when i made this, though all the skins are of my own design, though they are not the best. 

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