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  1. As always, got bored, wanted to make a rig, got this idea, made it, done, GG. With over 25 separate particle "Spawners", I wouldn't even know why you would use this... Anyways... Eh, not much. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?07cw19d8d957yct Man I'm so un-professional these days... Well, that's all I got... Bye! also plz liek dis post
  2. Drowning particles Hey everyone, it Cobalt and i'm back with drowning particles Note: you can remove the water drop particles and make the bubbles spawn faster If you don't know how to install particles here how Credit is always appreciated! Hope you like it bye -cobalt
  3. Greetings! Here's my first and freshly-created particles pack: Blood particles! The pack includes 3 files, each with different motion, so you can easily create gruesome blood effects on a neck or shoulders! Here's the kind of stuff you can do with it: (WARNING: Gore picture) I hope you'll like this pack. Credit is always appreciated!
  4. These are some uses of the particle feature I thought of: 1. Smoke from Vehicles-Many vehicles have smoke that come out of them. Why shouldn't that happen in Minecraft? 2. Roars-You know how you looking at your cartoons or movies and you see that animal or monster roaring its stink- I mean furious breath at someone. That would be nice when fighting something... like a 4ft tall Super Human. *Cough* Look at my picture *Cough* 3. It's very simple. It's in almost every movie. Especially American movies,god what is wrong with us. Explosions people. You gotta have some type of debris when there is an explosion. 4. I don't know why I mention this but straight and simple, weather. 5. Some houses have fire places,or furnaces, or even lava pits for their slaves. You don't know what I have. 6. Guns. People love fps videos. Indeed they do. 7. Punching. YESSS. Punch a person and knock the dust off of them. When they get up just say you trying to keep them lloking fresh. They'll believe you... I hope. And that's all I have for now. I will try to find more ideas for people who need some uses for particles.
  5. I was recently taking a look at the particle system. Because of my monitor's small resolution screen, I couldn't even read all the options in the particles sidebar in the video. I thought of something which I assume would be relatively easy to implement, maybe two hours worth of GM work. You should be able to export a particle preset. This would be pretty simple. Rather than creating a new format, one could simply use the JSON format (incidentally also used by Mojang for internal Minecraft storage). Since I couldn't read any of the options (as stated above) I had to make some qualities up, but here's an example of what the JSON could look like. { "name": "Pig Cannon", "type": "3d", "appearance": [ { "type": "Character", "model": "Pig" } ], "direction": [ { "use": true, "randomise": 0.1, "x": 0.8, "y": 0.06, "z": 0 } ], "velocity": [ { "use": true, "randomise": 0, "x": 1, "y": 0.8, "z": 0 } ], "rotation": [ { "use": true, "randomise": 0.2, "x": 0.8, "y": 0.06, "z": 0 } ], } Also, there are existing GMS functions used for encoding and decoding JSON. However, although I do code, I don't really work with GM, so I'm unsure if this is relevant. To simplify editing of the particle JSON format, you could use YAML instead, which is a less sytaxically strict version of the exact same thing. (The YAML format is used by Bukkit.) Unfortunately, I couldn't actually find any GMS functions for converting YAML to JSON. Here is the above example converted to YAML. Notice the added readability name: Pig Cannon type: 3d appearance: type: Character model: Pig direction: use: true randomise: 0.1 x: 0.8 y: 0.06 z: 0 velocity: use: true randomise: 0 x: 1 y: 0.8 z: 0 rotation: use: true randomise: 0.2 x: 0.8 y: 0.06 z: 0 I used a 3D pig, because I'm too lazy to use a 2D particle. ^^; A 2D particle would have far more properties in the "appearance" array, such as "type", "color1", "color2", and others (from what I saw in the video.)
  6. I just created a few Minecraft particle effects. Here is one of them, the explosion. This is still a work in progress
  7. images show the following. have the possibility to create a block containing custom particles. and with scale (size) unlimited, to create effects of biomes. for the "The Glorious David": http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=422338?st=0
  8. HowToHayden


    Not sure if I've overlooked particles in the features. I've downloaded it about 10 minutes ago and started creating. I'm looking for smoke particles to add as an animation for TNT. If this feature is available or there is another way to replicate this effect I'd be ever so thankful. I think the program is great so far, Reminds me of Flash which I have a few years experience with so I'm picking it up quite quickly. Just need a little help locating particles if available.
  9. Animated Enderman Particles! ---Now you don't need any green screen-- The Particles is parented to the Enderman.. so anywhere you put Enderman.. particles will follow ) Shots! First: Second: Third One (Supposed to be the thumbnail but i'm too lazy.) Video!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOXxkcz4OAs DOWNLOAD LINK! CLICK ME! Subscribe me on Youtube! www.youtube.com/user/JkDragonDude
  10. So guys, I have seen Zuexs' animation "Bam... Right in the Face"(btw, its great Zuexs ), and I was wondering how he had made the fire in the lamp. Was it a schematic? certainly not. Then he said he had used particles, but how did he get it? with a little research, I bring to you the PNG which holds all Minecraft Particles Here's a pic :
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