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Status Updates posted by Pandawadles

  1. I hate when the people at the store tell me to press yes. Like "Oh really, thanks I'm blind and dumb I accidentally grabbed this stuff,waited in line, swiped my card, and entered my pin on accident, I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy this stuff."

    1. BOOMmaker


      Them: "Are you buying all of this?"

      Me: "No, I'm stealing it, I just wanted to show it to you first."

    2. Inactive


      @BOOM *gets arrested*

  2. I'm gonna try and join the circle eyes club if I rig my skin.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NoHayTroblemo


      Alemn, your eyes are a bit pixel-y. Lol.

    3. SKIBBZ


      *High Fives*

    4. SKIBBZ


      ▫_▫ vs. o_o

  3. "I'm looking for the guy with the hands" -Legit line a cop says in Edward Scissorhands

    1. toaster1



      Makes me crack up everytime! xD

  4. Is this a thing again? ask.fm/Pandawadles

  5. Sorry for like the stuff that made you dislike me or whatever

  6. I'm trying to get my friends at school to dance to this with me (Warning drugs and stuff) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9ymUX1fJLw

  7. You guys should like, play skywars. mc.m8craft.com

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      @Panda: Sorry. >< That was unintentional..

    3. Varen


      Ip doesnt work >_<

    4. Pandawadles


      @EV Try .net

  8. I got yelled at by my gf for putting my friends before my health ;-;

    1. Rabbit


      Now that is a good GF.

    2. Pandawadles


      @Phink But like they were stressed

    3. Artleck


      To be honest she has a point thou. But Friends is also important. But health ahs to come first before anything ai am asure yea friends understand

  9. am sew scary rite

    1. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      Nup, yu achualy meid mi laf

    2. Pandawadles


      *cries in your soup*

    3. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      *Serves another bowl, goes upstairs with it, and locks himself on his room*

  10. plot twist you're a girl

    1. Aronanners


      Plot twist: You're not. .u.

  11. In every comedy SFM I see with tf2. The scout is always panning someone. Why not Demo? I mean DEMOPAN OP

    1. RowanSkie


      because of LazyPurple and the fandom of Scoutpans.

  12. It seems that my mom is starting on getting me new PC parts. :D

    1. BOOMmaker


      That's great! :)

  13. My new skype is so peaceful :) Only two contacts atm.

  14. One game I've always wanted to record was the crooked man. But I could never find an English version :c

    1. BOOMmaker


      That game is awesome!

    2. StevenMator


      VGPerson haves it in english! I even played! xD

  15. I have so much stress I might end up getting gray hair e.e

    1. UshWan117


      Don't worry, I already have gray hairs, but it's not like my WHOOOLEEE hair is gray, only a few of them.

  16. You're beginning to feel like a cup god...cup god. All your friends from the front and to the back nod.

    1. MrSpecialjonny
    2. Mineupfast


      Now, who thinks their arms are long enough to cup box? Cup box?

  17. Rendering the static speaks my name....this game was so messed up...

  18. Updated about me

  19. You should skin face mcshooty

  20. So I almost cried. The reference sheet for my character I worked so hard on is gone. I lost it somehow. Now I have to just wing it...

    1. BOOMmaker


      That's happened to me before. It sucks.

    2. Artleck


      I know the feeel Oh too well ;O;

    3. Kermit the Forg
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