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Everything posted by CRAZYKOKEBROZ

  1. Wouldn't it be a little easier if you put the pictures in a spoiler? It took at least 1 minute and 30 seconds to load the web page without it. That's supposed to be a sword? Looks kinda like a crowbar, But it works both ways.
  2. Tiny Head Adventure (I know you will all hate this post) Edit: Lets be glad that the tiny heads in the animation are better than this concept, this was just a joke.
  3. My current emotion to this is described in this very sentence... I died...
  4. Sorry bud, but if you can read the Frequently posted suggestions, this is already on the list. So it is most likely that the developers are aware of this suggestion. But its still a good idea, keep thinking!
  5. Reminds me of Lego's (In a good way)
  6. Its a new thing they did to verify your access to sign up. I don't want to.
  7. It wants me to use my phone number, im not giving my phone number to a sketchy site
  8. How is that so, looks fine to me? Edit: I logged out and it still is there.
  9. So what is it all together? it looks interesting!
  10. I was messing around with a few camera options while rendering a wallpaper about the classic game Galaga (Again). After tweaking with some of the settings, I think I got something that looked decently nice (And possibly hard to see). Galaga is old, but I don't care really...
  11. I found my motivation again. I think I can get back on track to what I want to do. Many of the comments actually helped!
  12. I am kinda overreacting a little. I just remember a time I had -12
  13. Theres a few other events that happened a few years ago leading to this. I took down the downvote and hid the comment...
  14. After all of these years and it has returned! A long lost feature from when I started to use Mine-Imator! Thank you so much for recreating what has been lost!
  15. When I use this site to submit creations, I end up uploading it to either get neutral or bad reviews (No upvotes given). But when I share my opinion about something (like anything), I end up getting so many downvotes that my reputation goes negative (I feel like reputation is there to make anyone feel guilty except David and Nimi). I have been considering quitting with this tough situation I have both accidentally and purposely put myself in. Is there anything I can do about it? Edit: I think i now know what to do
  16. 11 year old's cannot be on discord I guess...
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