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Holy Knight

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Everything posted by Holy Knight

  1. Ze mod is called 'Mod of Randomness', my steam username is Hallam_9K.
  2. I would highly recommend using the skin the rig already has, the skin I have right now is a joke skin, and I cannot change it for some reason.
  3. If you want my character, look at the bottom of my signature, there's a link to my characters.
  4. Me and @Tiedemies1 in Starbound.

    (I made a mod, it has the armour and weapons we are both using and more, it's called 'Mod of Randomness')

    The mod has my OC's equipment and Tiedemies' equipment


    1. Tiedemies1


      Fun Fact:

      I was the first one to (TRY) learn modding, but i couldn't do anything.

      Infact he was the first one to do an working mod!

      ...why is it always so that when i tell a friend i try to learn something and they start too, but i fail at it but friend successfully does it ;-;

      (i made some textures for the mod tho, you can see 2 of them.)


      ...the sword and the T-Shirt! it was pretty obvious, right??


  5. My logical brain is saying needs work and my memelord brain is saying OOOOOOMMMMYYYYYYGGGGGEEEWWWWDDDDDD just because the option is there...
  6. =WARNING= O.M.E.G.A Core becoming unstable! Requesting backup... 25% 5͞0̶% 7̀͘5̸̢̧%̛͞ B̀̕a̢ckùp̕ ͘͏Fa̛i͜͞͡l̛e͟͟d͡͠ More Pics: This is just a fun test. This version of Omega Slayer III is called Glitch Slayer III
  7. You must really like The Tan James. Now for some constructive criticism: 1. The intro would look better with a fade effect. 2. Pretty good movement, maybe make it a little quicker and more action packed. 3. Try to get the best camera angles, it's okay for now. 4. Try different music, it could be the same genre if you want, but if The Tan James already put that song in one of his videos then people might think you're ripping him off. I hope that helped.
  8. If you think that isn't MI, then you must think The Tan James and SKIBBZ are FRICKIN' WIZARDS!
  9. Meanwhile on Robocraft...


  10. I can just see the top of my head. At least i'm featured in something.
  11. That was fabulous! I love long animations that have great background music and scenery, it just really makes me wan't to be in your universe as well! Johnny kinda reminds me of an evil version of my character (Holy Knight) I would give you all te likes! 10/10
  12. I would've gone with Novakid, but I don't like the design of their ship, I just go with Humans or Florans.
  13. I know, the only people who don't have Terraria weapons are the Newb, Johanna and Hallam. But, the Terraria weapons are from this:
  14. Select a 'Cone', go into 'Library' (I think) and then make 'detail' low.
  15. First time on MI Realms... I'm the only player on it...

    Still waiting...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Holy Knight

      Holy Knight

      So sad, oh well.

    3. DigitalEvorian


      i told ya'll it would fail.

    4. Skjold


      First time not on MI Realms.. I'm happy.

      I've got other shit to do.

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