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Everything posted by SupersonicXX9

  1. *cri* My gpu fan was clogged so I was at about 90 degrees Celcius... and now I have to wait 2 or 3 days to use my PC... Luckily Wii U does well on forums.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SupersonicXX9


      Not really, Just saying Danke because TF2 medic. I might learn later on though.

    3. SupersonicXX9


      If my PC weren't outdated I would have a GeForce GTX 650 in it right now.

    4. SupersonicXX9


      Oh my god the chat works on my Wii U.

  2. Totally inconspicuous interjection +1 Thanks for using my rig Ubeeer.
  3. "If God had wanted you to live, He would not have created me!" - Soldier
  4. connect in your TF2 Console! Cmon and join meh! The password is asdf

    1. TheLamyral


      Can you add me on Steam ? I can't find how to join server only with ip :P

  5. >> << TF2 server UP! Ask me whenever you want a map vote.

    1. Daguex


      I will join

    2. Daguex


      wait how do you connect to a tf2 server using a IP?

    3. SupersonicXX9


      connect in console

  6. Going to be running a stock map tf2 server, I'll post the IP when it's up.

  7. If you were just on my server, you may have encountered a closing. My PC crashed and the world might be CORRUPTED. Checking now.

  8. >> << I'm running the server again. There shouldn't be any interruptions now.

  9. >> << Rummy's server closed, mine's up.

  10. >> << Hosting the survival map Rummy just got done hosting. (he approves)

  11. >> << Back up, it's got bukkit now.

  12. >> << Back up, it's got bukkit now.

    1. TheGoku7729


      can't join...maybe cause i'm in cracked version..

    2. Spiderman


      what version

    3. Allemn
  13. >> << For those who will be waiting for Rummy's server to go back up!

    1. Lumie


      Lol, nice advertise.

    2. TheGoku7729


      does it works on cracked? if not then nvm

  14. Working on something... you'll have to wait to know what it is. :]

    1. Pandawadles


      My profile pic is my reaction.

  15. http://www.twitch.tv/applesbrony Apples is streaming right now, he's playing Grand Chase.
    1. SupersonicXX9


      >he's gonna switch to team fortress 2 in a bit

  16. Well, it may not be able to slice, but it can sure inflict blunt force trauma... and also impale people.
  17. I was being truthful though, I was being lazy, I'm extremely tired right now. :/ And to be completely honest, nothing ran through my mind along the lines of advertising a topic of mine, as I've only gotten 2-3 hours of sleep each night for the past 2 or 3 months... One last edit, sorry for sounding mean, I haven't gotten much sleep and am kinda grouchy...
  18. Ahh the eyelander, a non-stock weapon from TF2 that I rigged and featured in my topic in wallpapers and art called Poor, Poor Medic. Rather than re-posting the image, I'll give you a link to the topic instead, because I'm lazy like that. There's the screenshot/picture of my rig.. in use and here's the rig download. Rig Link oh god comic sans is taking over AND DON'T EXTRACT IT
  19. You're welcome, and also thank you. I'm not exactly used to writing tutorials
  20. So, I've noticed that the Cylinders, Cones, Blocks, Surfaces, and Spheres all use singular images. What if I wanted to put an official block texture on a cylinder (which I did.) Some people would probably think to take every texture out of the full terrain.png from old mc, and save the images individually. What some don't realize is that this is all in a .jar file and can be extracted with a couple of clicks. The first thing I would do is obviously navigate to .minecraft, but I was too used to the old folder layout, so it took me a little while to realize how to do this right. No image needed here. The 2nd step would be to go to the versions folder and hunt down the latest version of minecraft's folder. In my case, 1.7.9 The 3rd step is to open up the .jar file that version's folder with WinRar or something like. You'll find yourself with 3 folders and a TON of class files. Extract the folder labeled assets. It has every single default texture in it. That's pretty much it, hope this helps some people.
  21. Especially Demo. Thanks. I still think I could have done this better with a 2fort schematic though. Indeed, but it's for a good cause. Demoman now has 15 more max HP and 8% more speed.
  22. Now if only I had a 2fort schematic when I rendered this.
  23. I'll whip up a tutorial real quick on how to import 1.0.0 rigs. Step one. Have your rig open. http://prntscr.com/3rn6ht Step two, create a .zip file. No image. Step 3, select your rig in mineimator. Step 4, click the button pointed to in this image. http://prntscr.com/3rn6x7 Step 5, Put the .object file you create and the textures used for the rig into the .zip file you created. DONE. Edit : Noticed you got your rig up before I posted this. I'm pretty late, huh.
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