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Everything posted by BlackCrept

  1. turn black for what

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JjCinemas


      Once you go black, there is no going back

    3. SethLawlz


      I hate you racists...

    4. JjCinemas


      Go get a dictionary...

  2. Everyday it could be Wonderful

  3. Yo I'm mad happy right now! I just got McAfee Anti Virus and my laptop is running like a breeze! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlackCrept


      Nah man it was mad cheap, only 20$! And now my laptop is going super fast bro.

    3. Hesmiyu


      I use sophos and windows security essentials

    4. Hax4Ever


      McAfee turns into a virus when you stop paying for it yaKnow'

  4. I'm excited, cause I finished my animation script today. Tomorrow, I can really crunch down and start working on the animation! For people who like the game "ToonTown", you'll like this one c;

    1. Upgraded Moon

      Upgraded Moon

      I haven't heard from that game in a really long time. Ahhh, childhood

    2. SubthekidFTW



  5. I watch them all past by, the moon and stars.

  6. I don't care if you legally bought it or illegally got it, anything is better than that watermark slashed across the video.
  7. Hey you! Do you use bandicam, more specifically, do you use Bandicam with the watemark above it? If you do, I have but one, one crucial and extremely helpful tip for you! Maybe I shouldn't have come at the angle, but all jokes and gifs and sarcastic remarks aside, don't use Bandicam if it has the watermark above it, no actually, don't use ANY recording software with a watermark across it. Why? Well I'll explain it to you in 2 really good reasons. 1. It makes your animations look low quality and unprofessional. You're trying to set a mood, a world for the people you're animating. You don't want to ruin all your hard work by slapping a big ole bandicam watermark straight across your video right? 2. I'm pretty sure Bandicam doesn't capture all the frames in your animation, so it makes the animation look choppy and bad. For obvious reasons, you don't want that. So you see, Bandicam makes your video look bad. You probably don't want that. I don't have a problem with Bandicam, but I have a problem when videos have the freaking watermark just slabbed across it. Hopefully you'll take this topic to heart and listen to me. Bandicam. Makes. Your. Video. Look. Bad. Really bad.
  8. BlackCrept

    help whith blender

    or better yet ask here: www.blendswap.com
  9. Minecraft Blender Car -

  10. But people don't hear ghosts ...

    1. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      Ghuts: Ohai Mr.Crept. Can I haunt you?

    2. TheWingedDemon
    3. crustyjpeg


      Ghusts:plz let meh haunt u

  11. i ate emma accidentally what do i do

    1. Acorus


      how do you eat mai girlfriend... but you need to spit her out, fast... she causes indigestion.

    2. BlackCrept
  12. And the beat go boom, b-boom boom.

  13. *pokes a hand out of inactivity* Here, look at this animation I made: *puts hand back in the grave*

    1. IQPlayer


      You has 100 subs! Haz you feel?

  14. i will something the something out of your face

  15. Should I start doing gameplays again?

  16. Well obviously you can't ignore them if you want to delete them I think...
  17. WARNING: Do not listen to Waka Flocka while driving. May result in reckless driving, speeding, uncontrollable urge to scream SQUAAAAAAADDDDD, and senseless murders(results may vary). 

    1. Rabbit


      Great, now you tempted me to do it xD

    2. Blue Chocolatebar

      Blue Chocolatebar

      *Deadlox style* Don't do dis!

    3. General Custard
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