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Status Updates posted by BOOMmaker

  1. The feels when you get something good set up in Blender, and then it crashes during rendering and you have to go through and figure out what can be turned off or reduced. ><

    1. KicksBrickster


      That feeling when you don't know that feeling.

    2. BOOMmaker


      @KicksBrickster: It isn't fun. :P Spending a couple of hours working on something to have it crash and then have to be picked through and simplified is awful.

  2. One thing I don't understand about the new Star Wars movie from the trailers I've seen so far.... The Empire lost the second Death Star, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, and Darth Vader's flagship, the "Executor" during the Battle of Endor in "Return of the Jedi". Now, I saw how they recovered from losing the first Death Star, and they still had good military officers such as Mitth'raw'nuruodo and Gilad Pellaeon, but the "Executor" had all their finest a...

    1. BOOMmaker


      and most promising officers on board... So that's a Death Star, a Super Star Destroyer, their best officers, and their two most powerful leaders. Yet they still had the resources to give EVERY SINGLE STORMTROOPER new armor... when the old armor worked perfectly well....

    2. DigitalEvorian


      Well in the "second" movie : the clones : they did send up a lots of unfinished death star's

    3. BOOMmaker


      @DigitalEvaronian: ........ *sighs* http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20071004195638/starwars/images/3/3e/SPHAT-concentratedfire.jpg

      THAT is not a death star. That is a Lucrehulk-class Core Ship.

  3. Everyone ready for the Star Wars movie directed by Jar Jar Abrams?

  4. I still don't know what to think of your profile picture.

    1. MustardBlock


      someone should ask the allemn-bot about when allemn craft is gonna be released

  5. "The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven and..."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BOOMmaker
    3. Archon



    4. BOOMmaker


      @Elven: Just know that this is not where I intended it to go. :P It's a reference to a movie.

  6. Do people from other countries aside from America know who Davy Crockett was?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ocelot


      Bear Grylls? :P

    3. BOOMmaker


      Naw, he's an ex-marine psycho! Just a sec...

    4. BOOMmaker


      (Bear Grylls is the ex-marine psycho, is what I mean)

  7. When I sleep over at my friends' house, it's always weird when some of them still wear pajamas. Especially if they're older than me. I just sleep in whatever I happen to be wearing.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ethaniel


      how is sleeping in jeans crazy? i do it sometimes when im really tired

    3. Ethaniel


      or when i go over to someones house

    4. BOOMmaker


      @KicksBrickster: But I feel completely comfortable in jeans... I've slept in polo shirts too. It's all fine to me. xD

      @MCman: Dunno... But they think it's weird.

  8. Fire alarms going off for no reason are fun. :P

    1. DigitalEvorian


      No, last time that happened to me my ears started bleeding.

    2. BOOMmaker


      *shrugs* It was loud, but not a problem to me. :P My dad hated it, but I just calmly walked around to find the one that was doing it and get a screwdriver.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Defused



    3. BOOMmaker


      @Nicolasev: Gotta catch 'em all!

      @PastTheMidnight: I'm going to assume that "D" was supposed to be a "R" and give you a high-five! *high-fives*

    4. Zilten



  9. Well, one of those annoying little silk worms got into my keyboard.. It's evading my needle so far...

    1. BOOMmaker


      Haha! Got it...

  10. Gah... We have snakes in our yard. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      @Mooshim: Because they're three feet long, as big around as a doorknob, and hanging out around our forts where we play all day. I don't want those things around.

    3. CoolElf


      Actually snakes like that rarely go over to people

    4. BOOMmaker


      Well they did today laddie. :P And that's why I shot at them.

  11. I was born in 'MURICA!

  12. Well, did some work in Blender today... http://i.imgur.com/znPWqOD.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      @Subject052: Thanks! :) Have you watched any tutorials to help?

    3. Ocelot


      Why Senpai

      Y u do dis

    4. BOOMmaker


      @Ocelot: Ah dun know.

  13. o_o I just found out that Jonathan Crombie, the actor for Gilbert Blythe in the Anne of Green Gables movies died this year in April... The feels...
  14. Why do you guys spam so much?

    1. NoHayTroblemo


      why are you mean

      meani ;n;

  15. Sounds like Frossa's Ban Hammer.

  16. o_o Just discovered UE4...
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SKIBBZ



      Savin' dat money for life first, i'll be an adult real soon.

    3. BOOMmaker


      @SKIBBZ: Das wise, son. You be a man now.

    4. SKIBBZ



      Mm, too much work for me, but that's life.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      Well, I assume that's the name of one of the games. :P I've only played one of them, and don't know much about it, unfortunately.

    3. Rogue


      Good job just take a smoothing tool to it and boom you got samus's helmet

    4. BOOMmaker


      Thank you for the encouragement, Rogue. :P

  17. I just read something that said: "If video games make you violent, then Airsoft makes you a trained killer."

    1. Ocelot


      BOOMmaker... That child is innocent... there's no need to hurt her, okay?

    2. BOOMmaker


      Wait, what?

  18. Well, the term "dead hour" is finally starting to irritate me. I've been on here for all the different times of the day. It's the same at each time, there are just different people online. -_- There is no "dead hour". It is a myth.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      @Sammaxbr: You're fine, it's not you individually. :P

    3. Sammaxbr


      @BOOMmaker i thought you guys never posted tbh. :3

    4. BOOMmaker


      @Sammaxbr: We used to a lot more. I wouldn't call this "dead hour". More like "dead months". :P But there were just three new topics made within a minute of one another. If there is a specific "dead hour", this isn't it.

  19. Ahhh... I keep going and reading the plots for "The Walking Dead". Very interesting, but makes me paranoid and terrified even though zombies aren't real.

    1. Ocelot


      Oh, but they are! No, really. :)

    2. BOOMmaker


      No they ain't. Go home Oce, you drunk.

  20. Learned how to make fire and smoke in Blender... http://i.imgur.com/yJJY6Xz.png

    1. SirKeen


      spoky dregn iz spoky

    2. KindZax


      Is this a new trailer for jurassic world? *jk it looks really cool I can't wait to see a animation :D*

    3. BOOMmaker


      @SirKeen: It's MLG and 360 quikscoping.

      @Legodude01: Thanks. :P But it'll be awhile... Weight painting isn't fun. xD

  21. The results of today's work in Blender... http://i.imgur.com/8pgpGcl.png

    1. JjCinemas


      Just color it purple and we'll have a gritty reboot of spyro ;)

    2. BOOMmaker


      Ha! Spyro... Enter the Dragonfly... :P

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