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Ironwave Studios

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Everything posted by Ironwave Studios

  1. I guess my number 6 would be time travel, and also be able to change background settings in the timeline. (sky, fog, lighting, etc)
  2. I will also be waiting for that tutorial... :]
  3. Hey guys, there's probably a lot of other topics like this, but I'm in the middle of making an epic animation, and there were just a few things that irked me like crazy about mine-imator. So, here are my top five features that I hope will be added in demo 6, in order. (P.S. If any of these features are actually doable in demo 5, and I just don't know it, PLZ TELL ME!!!) 5: The ability to parent / unparent things in the timeline. 4: The ability to create bending points anywhere in a shape / bodypart / item / pretty much everywhere. 3: Fix the bug when changing a Z-scale value in a character's arm, and then it becomes fat and distorted when bending it. (if you've ran into this problem, you know what I mean...) 2: Make so items / shapes can have negative space. (this would be INSANELY useful in, say, facial rigs... mouths would just be one simple hole in the head that we could re-size when he talks) and my number one (I'm sure we were all thinking this) 1: SOUND IMPORTING! Anyway, these aren't the only things I think need to be fixed, they're just the top on my list, and I just thought I'd complain to everyone else instead of sit here feeling bad all by myself (we can't have that, can we?) So yeah, that's all :]
  4. naw m8. everyone has their own unique animating style. You can't help it if it turns out to be as good as SKIBBZ... Anyone who says that someone is a cheap knock off of another animator doesn't belong in an animating community.
  5. Looks cool dude.... A lot like the one I use.
  6. Awwww, tanks, guys! I thought I was all but forgotten around here My nominations are: (not in order) 1: Yuricraft (he's always there for me... ALWAYS O-O) 2: The Tan James (we have twin lives :0 3: iSheepify (very underrated guy!) 4: SKIBBZ (because he can't be nominated enough, he's too awesome!) 5: GasCreeper (He's a bruh, and has very smooth animations) 6: Effusion (He has a cool name Oh, and he animates very well.) So yeah, take it as you will, those are my nomidominations. Good luck to everyone!
  7. It's just the same as anything that's starting to pick up. There will always be haters. The reason they don't like Mine-Imator is 1: Because most MI animations they've seen were made pre-1.0.0 and by little kids (nothing against kids here, I'm just saying people CAN tell a difference) and 2: Because of it's limited features and small community compared to Cinema 4D or Blender... Now, the problem is both them and us. If we want them to take Mine-Imator seriously, we need to show them what Mine-Imator has become, and show them that there are serious animators out there who are using Mine-Imator to create amazing, epic stories and videos. The thing that THEY have to do is stop comparing Cinema 4D/Blender with Mine-Imator and see it as the valid option that it is for creating high-quality animations. Mine-Imator was made by one guy, and built around GameMaker... Cinema 4D and Blender were both built by hundreds of professional computer programmers and artists, with powerful engines and truckloads of extra features... That's quite a difference. And btw, cost plays a very small factor in it, as 90% of those Cinema 4D channels are people who obtained the program illegally. Anyway, to sum it up, we have to change the image that the animating community has put upon Mine Imator, and only then will everyone else start to accept it for what it is... I am trying to do that by making more mature, dramatic, and cinematic videos with actual stories. And if we work together and continue to help Mine-imator grow, I really do see it becoming the primary animating program for any minecraft animation... after all, that's what it was built for; Blender and Cinema 4D were built for making other types of animation. Minecraft animations are just a by-product.
  8. :0 This IS still Mine-imator right? And not some heavenly program from the future that can only create awesome and perfect things??? ok just checking...
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