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Everything posted by Amethyst_Dragon

  1. Name: Kiriel Kingdom: Turiel P/K/A/V: No idea Backstory:Unknown for now
  2. ((I wasn't done explaining you never replied so I didn't continue it.))
  3. Ella points to it"It's right there, what is so special about it?"
  4. Ella thinks that that is a bit odd"No..." she glances around for it(You can decide if Ella sees it or not, also I wonder when a monster should attack them for dramas sake.)
  5. I'm obsessed with pixel art and over the years have developed a style that is unique as far as I know. Unfortunately I can't post it online for fear of people copying it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Amethyst_Dragon


      @x3j50 for a moment there I thought you said my pixel art was bad :P
      @6matthias I still don't want to take the risk

    3. Amethyst_Dragon


      @x3j50 Your translation was kind of confusing to me

    4. Scot


      just apply some copyright on it,

      or try to post it s a self made art on deviantart, that helps too

  6. The roleplaying section of the forums has really slowed down compared to before I left.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amethyst_Dragon


      Before you'd get left far behind if you missed a day and were roleplaying on a roleplay that had taken off.

    3. Mike


      Well, the lack of updates has made the forums slow down I think...

    4. ÃœberKiller


      A lot of people do PM roleplays from what I know. In fact, it's quieter around here because members here hang out more off the forums than normal.

  7. Ella jumps and gasps but calms down when she realizes that Bianca isn't a threat."H-Hi..." her hand moves away from the hilt of her sword.
  8. Ella hears her and waits with her hand on her sword hilt, the direction Bianca is going in happens to be near to where Ella is.
  9. ((I'm going to use Ella Elara at first, idk when I'll bring in Amethyst. Let the roleplay begin.)) Ella looks around, she gets the feeling that she is being watched. She puts her hand on the hilt of her sword ready to draw it just in case.
  10. This is loosely based upon The Olympians, it takes place after the first series but before the second one.(I haven't gotten to read all of the second one so in this roleplay I'm just going to pretend like it never happens. And I don't like the romans.) The basic plot is that several characters are being chased and attacked by monsters and such. They band together for protection and don't know about camp half blood.(They might find it later but for now they are just wandering around trying not to get killed.) Here is the form Name: Age: Race: Note that you may have op characters(Within reason), these are some of the rules(These are subject to change). These are my characters Name:Amethyst_Dragon Age:? Race:??Semi dragon?? Name: Ella Elara Age:17 Race:Demigod, unknown parent
  11. ((Character Name:Amethyst_Dragon Age:idk Appearance: Long thick brown hair, purple eyes and is a semi dragon with purple scales. Personality:Kind of similar to me Backstory: I don't even know anymore XP))
  12. ((I might join this roleplay assuming it isn't over))
  13. Amethyst_Dragon

    1.0.0 Weapons

    I've noticed that too, back when I tried doing animations I often resized the sword down to 80% or 90% because of that
  14. I don't believe in chemical depression, if someone is depressed there is a reason for it. Granted that reason might be related to health but still. These articles say it all if you want to take the time to read them, I picked out some relevant bits in case you don't. My opinion of the mental health system tends to be rather low, I don't think that it actually solves anything.(Like what is causing so many teenagers to become depressed in the first place) There is some good in it and it has probably helped people but at the same time it has done a lot of damage(And made a lot of money) and it continues to do so.
  15. Taking anti depressants isn't necessarily a good idea, it may be in the short term but over long term it can be damaging. Feeling depressed when bad things are or have happened to you is natural. Actually feeling that pain and not running away is hard but at the same time you won't end up medicated. And if you manage to heal from the pain then you will be a better person for it. It's true that if it gets bad enough then seeking help is better then doing anything extreme however I wouldn't be so quick to recommend it for anything less then sever chronic depression. Scientific studies have been done showing that anti depressants actually increase the rate of suicide and depression over long term usage.
  16. I disagree. It can be good but more often then not it isn't, otherwise more kids would be happy to go. So many kids are just forced into going against their will, is it really surprising that so many end up getting bullied? Teachers can make or break a subject and they can make or break a brilliant student, I've found myself liking subjects that I hated because the teacher was so good likewise I've found myself hating subjects I loved because of the teacher. It's better to learn how to study by oneself then it is to be taught by a bad teacher just as it is better to be alone then it is to be around kids who bully and otherwise demean you.
  17. It's weird to visit the forums again after being gone for so long

  18. Amethyst tlp Deminu"I've missed you as well"
  19. I think it's more that joking about killing people isn't really in good taste, I don't think it's a big deal but some people will find it more offensive then others. That doesn't mean that their point is completely invalid though.
  20. Maybe his response was sarcastic as well The wall paper is a bit dark, otherwise it's very good.
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