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Posts posted by Catfish

  1. The arms and legs look good, (I find it funny you tried your best to keep the rediculousness of the Carno's actual arms. xD) But the tail looks like a sideways tower. It doesn't really look like a tail. And the baby kind of looks like it's wearing a cone around its neck. Too big for its head. And my last piece of critique, the textures need changing. The green eyes look like glow in the dark nerf darts. It needs a less-saturated green. And the stretched out textures on the body needs to not stand out so much. Make the difference in color on each face less noticable. Gets a like from me!

  2. *Lander simply takes a swig from the bottle of alcohol, stumbles over himself a bit in a drunken stance, and tosses a few knives at the beast, not really doing much, and careful to pick all the knives up each time he throws a few*

  3. *Lander simply watches in amusement from a distance, clapping slowly, and putting on a show of looking condescending in an attempt to make a good entrance*

    "Perhaps you gentlemen could stand some assistance? Or I can just critique your forms, of course."

  4. The stretched out textures that are two very different tones are a bit of an eye-sore. Other than that, as far as the modeling itself, they're quite good. Nice rig over all!

  5. (Hope I'm not too late!)


    Fill-in form:

    Name: Lander Lockwood

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Age: 22

    Abilitys/Powers: Taps into his tome for limited dark powers.

    Starting equipment: His treasured tome book, 13 knives, a katar, a simple boomerang, and a bottle of whiskey!

    Appearance: Looking much like a traveling gypsy with a swashbuckler's coat. Messy, dark brown hair under a bandana, and a soul patch; green eyes and sharp features. Cloth leggings with fabric wrapped over them, and cuffed leather boots. Where's a torn cape.

  6. In the beginning, there was only grass and cobblestone. Where'd you get the chests?


    That was when the game was still known as "Cave Game" and Steve didn't exist, so I'm assuming Steve is remembering an 'ole day' where he... y'know... existed.

  7. Movements aren't very smooth, and the characters move unrealisticly, especially when you do your gravity-defying magic jump that Vader somehow didn't see. xD So I'd say the first thing you'd want to tackle is realistic human movement. Perhaps for your next animation, record yourself doing some of the movements for it, like a walk sequence, and then recreate it on the character. That's the most sensible approach for most aspiring animators.

    you're being a little rude and sarcastic to a new member -_-


    Sarcasm is all in good spirit. Whether it makes you sound like a major dictionary or not is a small price to pay for the satisfaction. xP

  8. I don't know if he can, the time of day has been changed so it wont fit too well... but idk maybe he will pull a Jesus and make a miracle


    Ah, true... Eh, he can probably make a little time change scene where time is sped up in a field or some nice cliche. If it's worthy of the final video, of course.

    Can make it in a slow crossfade, so it gives it the affect of time changing


    I didn't really mean for the darkness to make it seem like nighttime. I was thoroughly surprised no one else darkened it, because it seemed like the wall should be in a cave or something dark.

  9. When he looks up, I am pretty sure his hands should not move. Anyways, nice animation


    Pretty sure it's for cartoonish effect...


    Anyway, this is amazing for a first animation! There's really no noticeable issues I see that needs remarkable improving. Good work!

  10. This would probably be possible once David re-codes the software, but for the time being, whilst it's made in GameMaker, (or GameMaker: Studio, not sure which) we'd need to have the code so we can add our (I'm just going to call them add-ons, because 'mods' doesn't sound right for this kind of application) with GMX code. Then again, you can just code a new program entirely that will simply add to the program, but that would most-likely be very unstable. I think it would be nice if a few programmers got together once David's remake comes out to make a few add-ons, though. That'd be interesting.

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