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Everything posted by stev

  1. yo where's the other half

    1. Defsharp
    2. CoolElf


      *steals other half* That is possibru!

  2. wait a minute you're not dead
  3. does anybody know of any post-apocalyptic lonesome guitar type soundtracks i can use for a school project

    1. stev


      i already used the borderlands and fallout soundtracks for something else so

    2. Ethaniel


      walking dead?

    3. Frossa
  4. stev

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spiderman


      stev = steve = evets sounds like events without a N, <- that N with a arrow looks like N<- if you look at it side ways it looks like a Z with a ^ in it, the Z has a _ in it, so _ is under score, score, rhymes with roar, like a lion roaring, lions are animals, some animals are mammals, it has 3 Ms, which is like 3M. 3 Mart, duh, ThreeMart! Like Walmart! Where you can get a roblox giftcard! And it has the word roblox which is a game. Games like minecraft! with a player n...

    3. Spiderman


      named steve, and someone named David made a program to animate minecraft called Mine-Imator, with a forum, and a forumer's name is stev!

    4. Ayhay


      It's actually a v not a ^ 8D

  5. heisenberg

    1. Varen



    2. stev


      this is my own private domicile and i will not be harassed

  6. stev

    Two things

    the point of case 2 is to point out that the post has nothing to do with the topic also, "The moderators do their job in a timely fashion and requesting a moderator on the topic won't summon one out of the blue."
  7. Thing 1: Since I've noticed a lot of people giving unnecessarily unconstructive comments in blank or content-free topics I figured I had to make this. Case 1: Case 2: Just a reminder that comments like "this topic is pointless" or "moderator move the topic now" aren't really helpful and that the only thing they do is make the creator of said topic feel bad. In fact it's the complete opposite of what these forums were made for. Thing 2: The end of thing 1 brings me to thing 2. I feel like this shouldn't even need to be said, but please, please, please have some content and a way to showcase it before making a topic. No 'placeholder' or 'coming soon' topics. Making sure of this will prevent thing 1 from happening in the first place. There's no urgency in posting a topic because the forums aren't going anywhere. Topic in a nutshell: Get your things (rigs, images, descriptions, etc.) created and sorted out before posting a topic, please. There's no need for a forum neighborhood watch. The moderators do their job in a timely fashion and requesting a moderator on the topic won't summon one out of the blue. Plus, they have a pretty keen sense of observation so noticing something blatantly obvious isn't really outside of their skill set. If you don't have anything to say about the content in the topic please refrain from posting. I don't mean or want to be a hard-donkey but things like this have been an issue lately and I hate having to repeat it every time it comes up. thanks bye
  8. that one song by kraddy

  9. repressed childhood memories inbound
  10. changing my name to based chief eventually

  11. victims of welfare

  12. inactivity because of my job, sorry guys, will chat when I can

  13. based god

    1. ÜberKiller
    2. stev


      i don't know what that means

  14. lambogeeny mercy

  15. everything is awesome

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wowman


      No everything is not awsome. I am awsome.

    3. HyperMinecraft


      everything is awesome nnanananana something something something everything is awesome

      lalalalalalala laaaaaaaaaa

    4. ratgirldingus


      *Lonely Island rapping*

  16. name got bigger and my change got bigger so my chains got bigger

  17. my my, Tutorial Guy's last post was over a year ago

  18. "No, but you, you look like you've seen a lot of ladies. No? No. Okay."

  19. slodowngrabthewall

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ayhay



    3. Caeden117



    4. Ocelot



  20. forum drama aside, guys, clowning on people is entertaining for some but we should cool down

  21. cringequake

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ayhay



    3. MrDonoB




    4. Ayhay



  22. so for the first time in forever i made an animation

    1. Allemn


      O'ray! Yo mide Eit fer teh feirst taim!

    2. OwenTheAnimator
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