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  3. Rig a Gift in Mine Imator 2.0.2
  4. I wanted to animate something, but when I resized something that had the size of 0.005, it made the object and the Workspace Camera to have "nan" coordinates. Undoing only saves the object. Now I'm stuck with a blue void with no clouds or any ground. Just plain blue. Also, for those who experience this issue: 1. Go to c:/Users/<name>/Mine-imator/Projects/<project name>/<project name>.miproject 2. Open the file with whatever text editor you want 3. Search for: "work_camera": { "angle_xy": nan, "angle_z": nan, "roll": nan, ... 4. Replace "nan" with "1" 5. Save the file and now it should work
  5. finally after days of making schematic in minecraft snd othe stuff... FINALLY IN ANIMATING IN PRORESS!!! https://www.imghippo.com/i/EY4oJ1715100002.jpg
  6. saco

    how do I remove these shadows??s.png

    1. saco


      I found the answer)))

  7. everytime i try to render my animation it renders only 1 second of it
  8. "How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him." To the video
  9. Yesterday
  10. Hey there Titanicminion! File Explorer cannot unzip .jar files nor .zip files! thats why we dont use it. and also thank you Also i guess it was ignored cuz they thought it was April 1 lol sorry
  11. Basically, Raikujo's "Who's Cooking Tonight?", Except it's with my Characters and Animated in Mine-Imator. ...Enjoy
  12. Last week
  13. I can't completely delete the project in Mine-imator, I click the "delete" button and the project disappears, but the next time I enter the program, the project reappears, I even tried to delete through the explorer, but the project still didn't disappear and this time you can't even enter it, what should I do?
  14. Municidak

    Coat Rack

    Hang coats with the coat rack and clothes too Total Size of Files: 4,29KB ZIP Size/Download Size: 1,04KB Model Version: 2024.05.04 (YYYY.MM.DD)
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