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Mine-imator: Community Edition 1.1.0

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Hello everyone, as we near 2.0's full release I thought I'd release a cancelled update to the Mine-imator Community Build. (Based on Mine-imator 1.0.6, MICB 1.0.2.) This was cancelled for various reasons including crazy instability, overly ambitious, and with me switching priorities to creating Modelbench. I don't recommend using this for actual projects due to its many bugs, as I'm only releasing this for archival purposes. Most features and changes added in Mine-imator 1.2 -> 2.0 can be traced back to this project (New interface, materials, glow, etc.) and I didn't want to leave Mine-imator development until I was able to officially add back these features. (Nor did I want to cause fighting over if the mod or vanilla was better due to lacking these features.) I don't have an official changelog cause I never made one while developing this mod. Enjoy messing with this update that led to 2.0 being what it is.

Between sessions you'll need to delete "settings.file" in the Data folder or else the program will crash on startup.

(Also, don't report any bugs you find.)



Download 1.1.0 (Jan 17th, 2017)


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