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Pipes Of Steam (Needing Animators,Riggers,Voice Actors)

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Hey all Lapis here,

Today i want to introduce you to a series called:


Now i know the size of the text is to big but still...

Its cool as hell.

This series is owned by @Patrick and written by me.

So as the title says we are in a need of Animators , Riggers and Voice Actors.

We need decent Animators and Riggers and good Voice Actors.

What we need from:


Experience:Show their work with videos,topics or send projects.


Experience:Show their work with pictures,topics,videos or send projects.

3.Voice Actors:

Experience:Show their voice with videos,voice samples and other types.

Now because the story is pretty big it's gonna be in this spoiler below.



Nation Name: Astra
Ruler: None
Year: 2142
Capital City: Alphast
Description: An destroyed nation that was created by Kai Andrei in 2035.
First a small country of the Western Norway by buying small part of the land,now a dystopian nation broken apart.
Patrik Andrei was a much more of a military man so he was only preparing for the worst by upgrading his military and defense.
The countries capital city is Alphast with only 100,000 settlers.
This city is protected with an wall tall over 20 meters and took around 60 years to build.
After his death in 2067 his son took over.
His name was Patrik Romeo Andrei , he was much more in politics and expanding the country.
He bought more land from Norway and took half of the Western part of it.
As many settlers came into the country he decided it was the time to make a new city.
He took the village Katra and expanded it into a medium sized city.
Many other cities were created like Ostra , Nutrus and Wasnus.
He didn't want to upgrade the military so much like his father but he bought mechs from Russia that had much fire-power.
Their name was FD-Mark I (Short for Fire District-Mark I , because they were made in a small industrial part of Russia).
He bought over 100 of them which drained countries money balance , so he had to raise the tax.
After his death in 2125 his daughter took over he was much more of a military and slightly a political woman.
Her name was Lind Andrei , she kept her last name because she wanted to continue the work of her parents on their last name.
She bought THE FD-Mark II (Short for Fire District-Mark II , because they were made in a small industrial part of Russia).
She bought 20 of them which didn't damage the money balance of the country so much.
Now that meant she had extra money to use so she bought the whole Southern Norway and the country turned into a nation.
After that a war has started.
It wasn't World War III , but still involved many countries of this world.
The name of the war was Culdrious War.
Why you may ask?
Its' because a newly discovered ore in Russia called Culdrious had a strong explosion fire if used.
So they used the ore for bombs and grenades making so much destruction around the world.
Astra was in danger of their previous allies Russia because of their strong fire-power.
As expected Russia bombed Astra with Culdrious Bombs destroying the whole nation and turning into an dystopian land.
After that a side-effect of the Culdrious ore was that it will mutate dead beings and turn them into monsters.
Now this land is ruled by factions and guilds in constant war for land and power.



All you have to is to join this Discord server and wait to be interviewed.


Me and Patrick will be seeing you!

Edited by Lapis Productions
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