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Parenting Property Changing = False

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An incredibly common problem I have with Mineimator is when I set all the values for an object, such as position and rotation, and then I parent it.


The object's stats remain the same, but it's 0 point is now the parent, basically changing everything I had done.

Whilst there is an option to uncheck properties that were changed, then that value is unlinked to the parent.


I propose the ability to keep the properties linked, and have the parent being the '0' of the object, but one difference: The ability to have the stats change to compensate for the new '0', or the parent, but due to the compensation, it keeps it's relative location.


This would be really good for parenting object to arms, such as weapons, if you later plan on deattaching it. It would also help people like me who make mistakes early on while planning on parenting, and having to relocate the entire object.

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There is a way to do this..

Duplicate your parented object and unparent it, then make it invisible.

At point in the timeline where you want to detach the object from the character; set transitions for both parented and unparented objects to instant. Then make unparented one visible and parented one invisible.

This will make the object look like it's detached. ;)

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There is a way to do this..

Duplicate your parented object and unparent it, then make it invisible.

At point in the timeline where you want to detach the object from the character; set transitions for both parented and unparented objects to instant. Then make unparented one visible and parented one invisible.

This will make the object look like it's detached. ;)

Except that it is extremely hard to position the second one correctly to match the first one.

Besides, he is talking about when you parent, the position changes because the object's scaling, position, and rotation axes are locked to the parent's.

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you know can copy paste coördinates right?

If you duplicate the object, it will all be copied. ;)

Yes, but because a non-parented object has a zero point at the center of the workspace, and a child object has a zero at the position point of the parent, even if you duplicate and unparent the object, the position will be different.

Try it. Move a character with an item in hand around, dupe the item, unparent it, and see if it ends up in the same place.

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I found something! you have to do this with every coördinate!

  • when unparenting: the coördinates of the object you want to unparent plus the object it was parented to
  • when parenting:  the coördinates of the object you want to parent minus the object it is gonna be parented to

hope I helped!

Nice idea, but this doesn't apply for the most most common 'not rigging' part of animating- equiping an arm with an item, The arm's 0 point is changed to the person. Of course you could make that arm invisible and make a fake arm I guess, but that would apply the same original problem.

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