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I watched the video, this is what my brain saw.




1. Guy makes a helmet of what appears like wool..?


2. Some kind of monster school clone where Notch is a creepy old teacher, sticking papers to educated people's houses.


3. Notch's masterplan succeeds, he is now teaching men how to craft cake and hammers.


4. A Man with his pet cat, both of them seem to have balloon bodies that can spasm and fly, resulting in the camera getting eaten..?


5. Angry looking person goes out to slaughter innocent creatures violently, only to steal their christmas tree to impress santa!? Talk about greedy.


6. Ninja with toasters hanging from his pocket killing a giant.


7. What


8. Shane punches a zombie with letters of the alphabet


9. More toaster ninjas


10. Shane gets deeply impressed and is touched by looking at the sky?


11. Shane gets 100.000 something subscribers, suddenly people fly out of the sky and the walls to congratulate him with a crazy party?


12. Colourful diamonds


13. Snowman gets killed


14. More colourful diamonds


15. Shane is celebrating hannuka, when suddenly everything violently explodes.


16. erm.. 2015?


17. Strange man gets sniped


18. Shane reveals he is a highly intelligent and handsome looking gentleman


19. Shane and his friends standing on a grassy flat wasteland, all alone.



... 11/10 -ign


(in all seriousness, congrats shane)

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I watched the video, this is what my brain saw.




1. Guy makes a helmet of what appears like wool..?


2. Some kind of monster school clone where Notch is a creepy old teacher, sticking papers to educated people's houses.


3. Notch's masterplan succeeds, he is now teaching men how to craft cake and hammers.


4. A Man with his pet cat, both of them seem to have balloon bodies that can spasm and fly, resulting in the camera getting eaten..?


5. Angry looking person goes out to slaughter innocent creatures violently, only to steal their christmas tree to impress santa!? Talk about greedy.


6. Ninja with toasters hanging from his pocket killing a giant.


7. What


8. Shane punches a zombie with letters of the alphabet


9. More toaster ninjas


10. Shane gets deeply impressed and is touched by looking at the sky?


11. Shane gets 100.000 something subscribers, suddenly people fly out of the sky and the walls to congratulate him with a crazy party?


12. Colourful diamonds


13. Snowman gets killed


14. More colourful diamonds


15. Shane is celebrating hannuka, when suddenly everything violently explodes.


16. erm.. 2015?


17. Strange man gets sniped


18. Shane reveals he is a highly intelligent and handsome looking gentleman


19. Shane and his friends standing on a grassy flat wasteland, all alone.



... 11/10 -ign


(in all seriousness, congrats shane)

lemme see...


2. Notch is a stalker now, giving free candy to those who'll enter his dusty old house


4. Steve is a drug addict and his cat is a drug dealer. WHAT A TWIST!


6. Attack on toast (they are the bread and we are the butter, DA NANANANANANANA DANANANA WE ARE BUTTER)

7. Butt

8. I don't obey the laws of physics, deal with it :3


10. 1.0.0 made me drunk lel 420 weed noscope ktnxbai get rekt mlg 2sanic4u

11.  MAGIC *snort snort*


13. do you wanna kill a snowman?..


15. EEXXXPPPLLLOOOSSSIIIOOONNNSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and hurray it's hanukkah or whatever


17. mysterious hooded men watches (from a distance)

18. i know, i'm so fabulous <3

19. it's the evolution of my skin, from an emo dum-dum to a emoish ninja assassin idiot  to a guy with a unique cap


Hopefully i helped you :)

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Cool. June 2014, what is that video called! It looks amazing and I want to see it at normal speed :)

it's unlisted, and it's a w.i.p typgraphy-ish animation of a song





Well that was certainly..I'm going to lie down...

Guys, i think i broke Acorus

Oops :3

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