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What The Glorious David Needs to fix in the final 1.0 release.

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I don't see any buttloading problem with you giving feedback to The Glorious David... May I ask how this got out of hand?

these bits xD


9 months is a little bit long to wait for an extremely buggy and barely functional demo



Stop worshipping The Glorious David like he's some sort of god...



You shouldn't be. The Glorious David took 9 months to release a barely working buggy program

It was fun while it lasted though! :D

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I don't want to get this rolling again and i think feedback from users is good, but still it's not needed to make a bug report oft the same bug (he said he will fix) the 100th time and making bad jokes about how long it took him for this Version.

Also he could have released the 1.0.0 earlier but many people would have been like: YOU SAID THERE WILL BE XX IN MINE-IMATOR 1.0.0 ILL LEAVE THE FORUMS NOW *megarage*

That's my opinion

Edited by myluki2000
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As a user of the program, I'm giving the developer feedback on what to fix. Developers need user feedback in order to improve their programs. Stop worshipping The Glorious David like he's some sort of god...

This is the first time I've seen someone say that, and I couldn't agree more.

Everyone on the forums almost Never gives any sort of criticism.

Everyone always says "Cool", "Great program", "Awesome". Sure, it's complimenting, but it doesn't aid the developer in any way.

When writing criticism, It's always good to provide these things:

  • Opinion(Good or bad)
  • Why you choose that opinion
  • Things that could be improved


So Yeah, You earned my like.

You have the most sense I've seen on the forums in a long time. :P


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Sure, it's complimenting, but it doesn't aid the developer in any way.


I think that too (I'm programming myself and hate it when everybody is like "cool" and I don't know what I could make better), but I think it's a bit unnecessary to mention thing he said will be fixed (like undo/redo). There were already 10 people or so who mentioned that although he already mentioned it will be fixed. Would you like it if you say "Feature xx isn't ready yet but I'm almost done with it..." and 10 people would be like "Add feature xx, it's missing!!". I wouldn't.


But I think the disscusion should be over now because david answered the post.

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I think that too (I'm programming myself and hate it when everybody is like "cool" and I don't know what I could make better), but I think it's a bit unnecessary to mention thing he said will be fixed (like undo/redo). There were already 10 people or so who mentioned that although he already mentioned it will be fixed. Would you like it if you say "Feature xx isn't ready yet but I'm almost done with it..." and 10 people would be like "Add feature xx, it's missing!!". I wouldn't.


But I think the disscusion should be over now because The Glorious David answered the post.

Potato. See, it will never be over. 

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Id simply like to be able to preview what the camera sees, otherwise its perfect. And stop bugging the glorious dacid about time.

To those of you who use gamemaker, how long wou,d it take you to make such a vastly complicated program like mineimator? More then 9 months ill wager.

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Making this the most unnecessary  post in response to an already unnecessary post about the most unnecessary post ever unnecessarily posted.

Yes, it opens up a second view for cameras.

Any chance you're going to implement a translation system of old camera data into the new camera system? Because that would come mighty handy in some of my older animations I want to keep working on. 

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