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The roles of Forum Members.

Message added by TopicLocker3000

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Okay guys, this goes into the rules of this forum, and I am sure you will gain an understanding of what you are supposed to do.

I don't know if this was included in the but I'm going to explain it anyway.


Normal Members

Normal members usually give , and maybe some tips. They do not do the job of a moderator, by that, I mean, they don't say

This is in the wrong section. Please move it or a warning point is what you will get.

Normal members can obviously post content, and post on topics.

Normal members cannot move or lock topics, They can hide their own topics though.

Also, don't push too hard to become a Chat Moderator or Moderator. A moderator can only do a little more than any normal member.


Chat Moderators

This is pretty self-explanatory. Chat moderators moderate the chat and can also do the role of a normal moderator. Chat moderators can kick and ban people from chat, Banning and kicking several people can result in getting a warning point and/or the removal of being a chat moderator.

Being a chat moderator is a big achievement, and if you are a chat moderator, Great job!



This is also kind of self-explanatory. Moderators can move and lock topics. They can give warnings, but not for the fun of it. Banning several people can result in getting a warning point and the removal of being a Moderator. Remember, Power can control you, but you have the power to control it. 

Moderators can also do what a Chat Moderator and/or Normal Member does.



A little extra:


Davids can do everything.




Well, I hope you liked this topic. I tried to make it as understandable as possible. This hopefully makes members aware of the different roles they play.



Edited by AwesomeShah
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Might wanna change the Normal Member's 'Hiding' ability to clarify that they can only hide their own topics.

Update: Clarified that members can only hide their own topics


Done, fixed a few errors aswell :)

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