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New Screenshot Exporter

Message added by TopicLocker3000

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Having a more complete screenshot exporting tool would be very useful for people like me, who does lots of rendering using Mine-imator. Here's how the new option could look like:


There's a few options. The first one allows you to choose the screenshot size, very useful if you want to create high-resolution renders when you have a small screen on your computer. The" anti-aliasing" option will smooth the edges of the picture, greatly improving it's quality. However, I don't know if Game Maker supports that. A workaround could be forcing the software to create a screenshot twice as big to shrink it down at the required resolution. The "transparent sky" option will simply remove the sky, the sun/moon and the clouds from the current screenshot. And finally, you can choose to disable shadows from the screenshot if you want.

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It's driving me up the wall not having this feature. I spent about an hour strugling to figure out how to get a perfect 1920x1080 screenshot. I'm trying to make some desktop backgrounds for my clan.

Yep, with 1.7, the only thing you can do is get a computer with a huge screen resolution.

Or change your display resolution.

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