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Found 14 results

  1. KShier

    An Easy Rig

    The First Rig Made By Me <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/Aqwf9"><a href="//imgur.com/Aqwf9">woow</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> https://youtu.be/6ndJS9b3V2w https://www.dropbox.com/sh/npav59tjjzprb9x/AABwD0PBgp1BmHTgU-qSrBXRa?dl=0
  2. So I'm making some animations but I need more characters for it. It wouldn't really look good if I just had a bunch of steves everywhere or a bunch of copies of myself so can I use your guys's character rigs that I can use. They won't really be for a huge purpose, just to have as background people or something like that (I'm not sure yet) Anyone who let's me use their rig in my future animations will get full credit and a shout out. Just comment the download link to your rig and I'll credit you. Please respond as soon as possible because I'm trying to make a lip sync test.
  3. So Hello Guys. So I though I would start a comic as you see in the title. The comic will be drawed and it will not be minecraft. but i still need this: Name (in the comic): Skin (or a pic of ur character to make it easier for me) : Abilities: Wich page do u want to be in: here's an example for me: Name: Tomoki Skin (or a pic of ur character to make it easier for me) : skin Under my signature (I know how my oc looks like) Abilities: Including the comic Fast, Can Transform, and I know everything myself. Wich page do u want to be in: 1 or 2 Now I'm sure ur asking (or not) if it's not minecraft why do u need our skins? what will it be? (i think) Well If I need ur skins it because i will create an oc for each of u for the comic no it's not anime or cartoon it has nothing to do with humans it could anything exept humans (well that i took from a cartoon aka game) It's a surprise! I'll show the first oc of the first one who registers so u guys would know. Member List kudryavka noumi (noumi) Ninjabee_Redtricity (Lazick, Cyber_Wasp) Mineanimator 60 (Max) MyM360 (Miami) Sakura Misa (Misa) TehMinecraftPro (Faux) Of course Gohanamer (Tomoki) cheesecraft animations (cheesecraft) YoloYoshi03 (Tir McDohl) LJ the Sonic/Minecraft boy (LJ the hedgehog) Crow Robot (Crow) Mlke (vlad)
  4. Hey guy, TJGames again. Today I would like to get some creators developers and other helpful people on my team. This team is going to start the first ever (Known by me) minecraft animated live TV show. Setup will start as soon as we have everyone in and working please click the link below to join. Click here to fill out your application: http://goo.gl/forms/QpGZFcz3oh All applications will be accepted 8/12/2015
  5. So, a while ago I had a status update saying "Comment on this if you want to be in a wallpaper" So I put those who did in one. People in the wallpaper: - ChasetheBoss69 - Joshinja - MobKiller Animations - Flarp - ÜberKiller - Branchycougar - Solid Spider - TheLamyral - Mineupfast - DurRubinRux So yeah.
  6. Hello! This is my first Finisher Collab Topic. I want you to make a single or simul finisher collab entry. Make sure you post the video! And don't forget, At the end of the video, I'll give a thanks to someone who just put their collab entry in my Video and everyone who gave me hope. Today, We are gonna kill Herobrine by finishing him off.
  7. Hello, everyone! This is my own first topic for School Animation. Form these below. Name: Skin: Personality: Powers: Gender: Loves: Hates: Acrobatic Skills: Parkour Skills: Farming Skills: Weapon: And form theses new ones i added down below. Dodge Skills: Throwing Skills: Archery Skills: Combat Skills: Crafting Skills: Logic Skills: Mind Skills: Speed while Running: Speed while Running's Maximum Speed is 193. (Which is Extremely Fast like Sonic's Shoes which make him become the fastest one.) and Minimum Speed is 1 (Which makes you run like a human.)
  8. Hey Guys, so I just got bored, so give me your skins! I'll make a selfie wallpaper... Fast! Just put your skin! I need 5 people only!
  9. Hello everyone. I am gonna create The Battle between "Heroics vs. Villains and Zombies". If you want to join....... Please fill these and i'll do it. Skin: Heroic or Villain?: Zombie or Human?: Why you want to join: Powers: Very simple. Fill 5 of them and i will add you in my series. I'll always remember. Me and my little sister is Heroics. What about you? Are you a Heroic, Villain or Zombie?
  10. So, I saw gamesyay12's post, and I based this one on it. I did a little bit more editing than him, I believe. Anyway, the main thing is, it's just a base picture. If you want to be added, just leave a name, anything you want in your hand, and your pose. Here's the pic:
  11. Can someone make a Dawnables, Skydoesminecraft, and Einshine rig with fingers, 3D hair, eyes, eyebrows, and mouth. If you don't know what they look like go on Google and search. Thanks
  12. Just to get this straight at first: DarkPaladin = My Brother SonicFan101 = Some Random Mine-Imator Forum User Jimmy123 / Minecraftian Warrior = Me! Oh no! Robotic123 is still at large. He has been roaming the world, going from place to place, city to city, trying to find people to kill. With his spare time, he uses spare metal and iron to reinforce his own iron plating. Somehow He has found a way to implement a blazing flame that can be turned on command to activate the flames. The flames have enough power to lift Robotic123 to fly. Also, He has figured a way to make a force field so He can trap anyone He wants. I have not known how He has done that yet. I have called my brother to help me track down Robotic123 so we can stop him. When we got to Him, I was in great shock... Robotic123: Stop now, you little humans! I have power beyond the amount of power all 3 of you have combined! I am stronger than ANYONE on this little planet! Soon, everyone shall bow down before me or DIE! I shall now give you a choice. Let me go free and I will set you parents free. If you decide to attack, I shall kill your parents and then kill you... Jimmy123: Stop this madness! You are better than this! Let my parents go NOW! We do not want to fight! But if we have to, we shall do so! Robotic123: This is your first warning! I have already gave you a choice... ANSWER ME OR DIE! DarkPaladin: Let them FREE! I shall kill you if you don't! You HAVE to stop! You are insane! Stop this madness and let them go! Robotic123: This is your second warning. Give me an answer, let me free or let all of you DIE! SonicFan101: Why am I here!? Meh. I'll just help. Jimmy123 and DarkPaladin: STOP THE MADNESS! We do NOT want to fight! But we will for the sake of Humanity if we must! Just calm down and let our parents go so NOBODY get's HURT! Robotic123: Final warning you tiny humans! Give Me An Answer! What Shall We Do? Help my parents escape death and let all 5 of us live, but let Humanity down? Or, shall we fight Robotic123? Sadly, my parents would die in the process and we could possibly die ourselves, failing Humanity! Then, Robotic123 could hunt down the rest of Earth... Or, shall we call for help from other people? Maybe we could out-number Him! But we need YOUR help, guys! Reply to this forum topic, saying if you want to help or not, or just any of the above. We Need An Answer!
  13. Hello guys,NyancraftG here. I was thinking what if guys from forum make an 10 min animation collab!?!?!? What do you think? People i invite to animate (not necessary): 1.StoneFury 2.Steveapocalyptic 3.Swickster 4.Frossa 5.ErvinGamez 6.wolfile 7.Zuexs 8.Tomouniek 9.Subject 052 10.Tutorial Guy PEOPLE THAT WILL ANIMATE: 1.Steveapocalyptic 2.Zuexs 3.ZZZZane 4.GLaDOS 5.ChromeEagle99 6.legomadman99 7.Mr_Civilian_Man 8.Maybe0ne 9.Lachlan12345 10.cheeserox3 11.StoneFury 12.DayOfTheTentacle Item providers: Crazy.Shadow. Stevepocalyptic Scenery provider: NyancraftG RULES ARE: THERE ARE NO RULES THERE ARE 8 SPOTS LEFT Here an collab sample http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/391728 -PLEASE WATCH THIS,i wan't to make something like that with you guys so please apply
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