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Everything posted by Mooshim

  1. I don't really know the link to the music, because it's almost a year old. I just fished it out of a folder and started using it
  2. Ok, thanks Ayhay, I'll try and remember to do that next time! You're the best +1
  3. Count down to Christmas! One animation per day (Less that 1 minute/30 seconds), for a countdown until Christmas. Because I have almost no time to make them, they don't have a too good effect. Enjoy! Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: Sorry for the repost! I don't know how to delete other posts, and these aren't very narrative. I will update this post every day, and I will upload another animation! Enjoy!
  4. They don't do anything unless a Mod or an Admin wants to do something. I think 10 is a ban

  6. I can do some stuff, but I'm not sure really. Do you have a singer?
  7. My skin: I like Mooshrooms. My bro wants to be in aswell,
  8. That isn't a download yet though, it's not even been created though. Maybe in the future, but that is what this topic is all about
  9. I make a backup every... lets see.... 90 years. That's how smart I am
  10. I used Mod Creator/Editor as an example, but I'm not talking about Mob Editor as a suggestion. I used it as an example. Re-read it, carefully this time Also, I'm talking about a new software, not to do with blocks. Well, not a new software as such, more of a like, extension to Mine-Imator letting you use different models. Sure it would maybe knock it off track, but it would be a big step of achieving the Mob Editor suggestion all-together, if you could, infact, create any model!
  11. Mineimator is the EASIEST animator ever. I just wish I could work with other things than blocks, like, something from Blender. Because, I can't use Blender, but I can make models on this software I use (SivModeler), and maybe if this suggestion is taken (or maybe another software after Mine-Imator?) is made, then I think I would score more Subscribers on yotuube! But... I guess this isn't anything to do with Mine-Imator/Minecraft. But it could be used for other minecraft animations, where the 'Custom Mobs' could start out?
  12. So, when you're making an animation, you upload a skin. UH OH!!! SKIN WENT WRONG AND IT HAS TO SHUT DOWN AND DESTROY YOUR ENTIRE ANIMATION FOR EVER!!! Well, I hate that. So, maybe you can tick a box so that every now and then it saves automatically for you on a different file, where it maybe could detect and error or something? I know. I'm jibberishy.
  13. People may request rigs off of me!

  14. Cool! I've made a Face rig and a Hand rig, but not together, yours is really cool how you got Blender/C4D Hands! CLICK THIS BUTTON Not the one in the Bottom Right corner (do if you want), but CLICK DAT GREEN BUTTON IN THIS POST. Still, nice rig, +
  15. Mooshim

    Need help with Rig

    There is an import button at the top of your Mine-Imator screen, (top left), along the top bar you will see the last button on the top bar is a folder with a plus symbol. Click that and import the facial rig, and link it up. This might not be that helpful, please tell me if it is or isn't. Maybe you could click that rep button?
  16. I'll tell blox you said that he'll be really happy!
  17. I'm on a rig high. Ask me for rigs. I will rig it. You didn't want a horse rig, you wanted a slender rig? Well it's a horse rig. Deal with it

    1. KrisFirebolt


      You sound determined, Have fun!

    2. Mooshim


      It's a horse. I'm having so much fun.

  18. Lol I know, but some guy asked for it here and I made it for him
  19. @King_Keen I already have one. It is easy to change the skin. Do you want them like a minecraft player or..? This? One Michael Myers rig to go! Robot Spider (Not god standard)
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