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De Nonstopgamer

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Everything posted by De Nonstopgamer

  1. Hi-hi! I wanted to export a 3 second long animation but when I hit export, MI said that an error occured and that I should check the logs. Upon checking I found the line: 21:36:28 Error when exporting, error code: -1 Can anyone tell me what this code means and what I can do to resolve it? Thanks in advance!
  2. Either you can't or I'm blind but I can't change my username.


    Please refer to me as Asylicus. If you deadname me I will sue you and your family.

    1. MrPizzaCat


      I believe you have to message a staff member to have your name changed.

  3. this... this is the second time opening MI. the first time everything was fine when popping the timeline back in or not in fullscreen all is normal
  4. Hello Mr.Darl, i wanted to use your animatronic rig, but Dropbox showed an error instead. some information on Google said i need to ask the maker (you) if he wants to generate a new link. So, my question is, will you make a new link for Dropbox? Please?
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