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Everything posted by Frossa

  1. I want you, and only you, and only you, my love. I need, you, and only you, and only you, my love

  2. You did it... you beat Endergirl to 2000 rep ;u;

  3. I hid it and warned you for it as you may recall, but someone unhid it. David says it wasn't him, so the eyes fall on Ayhay, Überkiller or Goose. Whoever it was, he added the 17+ thing too.
  4. And 13 hours later, you thought it was a good idea to post the same thing again, but updated slightly? No. just no :L
  5. Merged with your last topic. Don't make more than one topic about the same goddamn thing. On the same day, even? Come on =_=
  6. Please provide a download link or the topic will be moved to Wallpapers & Art.
  7. Frossa

    Chat Box

    Please provide a download link or the topic will be moved to Wallpapers & Art.
  8. Please provide a download link or the topic will be moved to Wallpapers & Art.
  9. Paris is only one step away, les girls are out on bail... tres bien, there's love for sale

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. david


      Notre Dame is ringing her bells, another Gendarme has gone to hell

    3. TheGoku7729


      wut you're part french Ender? I never knew that i'm french

    4. Meow Muzza Fuza

      Meow Muzza Fuza

      Ah, tu parle le francais toi meme mon ami? :D

  10. I must say, I'm a little disappointed. There's absolutely nothing that says that's Franco, it takes place in Spain, or that it is the 1930s. It's like you just made a random wallpaper and decided to name it after the Spanish dictator, because you're expected to make wallpapers with historical connections. Come on, you can do better than this :z
  11. So in lack of attention to the chat I respond to one little joke, and all of a sudden Ayhay is disappointed in me, The Doctor

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MrDonoB


      its for the best

    3. Lumie


      how to drama.

    4. Ayhay


      Ayhay is disappointed AND the one who kicked you.

  12. Technically, this is a as far away from Steampunk as you can get ._.
  13. Well, I sure didn't expect their eyes to be large vertical rectangles.
  14. Your eyes look like that irl? ._.
  15. Wow, Evan got like double the amount of votes everybody else got. Decisive results
  16. My Settings, Notification Options.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyYl_U54Plc&hd=1
  18. I could imagine the Stalin one as being the performers for Russia in Eurovision Song Contest...
  19. TJ is permanently banned, yes. This will probably never happen. Though I don't know if it would have even if he was still allowed here.
  20. And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind

    1. Lumie


      Heavy is credit to team!

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