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Status Updates posted by Dragon

  1. My first day at the gym. :D

  2. Haven't used Mine-imator for monthsss. :/

  3. Twisted my ankle twice this day. Can barely walk

  4. Oh, I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just gonna hurt you. Really. Really. Bad. #SuicideSquad

    1. Gr0xy


      Joker tho'

    2. Ocelot


      inn4 ATrueFangirl has a spazĀ attack upon seeing that hashtag

      Also, Harley Quinn isĀ best character

  5. Gawddaaammnn. Look at all 2016 movies! Ohmagawd.

    1. Notorious TheRageMC

      Notorious TheRageMC

      What 2016 movies?

      The Mine-Imator Movie or movies from Hollywood?

    2. Dragon


      I mean movies.

    3. Notorious TheRageMC

      Notorious TheRageMC

      Oh. Can't wait for Deadpool.

  6. My eyes are messed uuuup.

    1. Skjold


      so messed up you cant even see them.

    2. Dragon


      Not really. I'm near-sighted. Everytime I take my glasses off, everything is just so blurry. lel

  7. Broke my glasses again. -.-

  8. When you having a good time then you remembered that awkward shez you did years ago. lel

  9. When your mom turns a joke into a speech. lmao

  10. Did you know? You can skydive without a parachute but only once.

  11. Youtube should allow us to comment using pictures. Or no?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DigitalEvorian


      PR0N... PR0N EVERYWHERE...

    3. Lumie


      The comment section is already way to messy, that would just, make a living hell for anyone that went down there

    4. Dragon


      Oh yeah. I just thought that people would just post unrelated photos. nvm.. bad idea lel

  12. I accidentally messed up my life, how do I start a new account.

    1. Shane


      if only we could...

  13. hate these effing roaches men! ><

  14. Sprained my damn ankle :c



      Same happened to me yesterday

    2. Dragon
    3. Sir Metall

      Sir Metall

      sry for your loss

  15. It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.

  16. are there any medium rappers? theyre always big or lil. lel

  17. tfw youtube recommends a scary video for you :(

    1. DigitalEvorian


      Yeah like, salad fingers or don't hug me i'm scared...

    2. Mineupfast


      What about when you're watching a scary video, and f@d is recommended for you.

    3. SDWAN


      @mineupfast I know how you feel bro

  18. roses are red violets are blue sunflowers are yellow i bet you were expecting something romantic but no this is just gardening facts.

  19. I just burnt 1200 calories (left the pizza in the oven for too long)

  20. Everyone here making looking like Maya/C4D/Blender rigs and I'm still here with my so-called "advanced" rig without fingers lel

  21. Is it okay if I am sleeping almost half of the day and then stay awake in the midnight then sleep

  22. Charlie Charlie are you here?

  23. The only way to get me motivated to make animations is through watching an animation's behind the scenes.

    1. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh
    2. SKIBBZ


      How 'bout dat Epic Score music doe, ha no... ok.

  24. I want to fly like Superman but I remember I have fear of heights. :(

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