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Posts posted by Penecho

  1. It's been a while and there are a lot of new faces who just don't appreciate the power and true magnificence that is Pen.

    I am Pen, or Spencer, or Spencer Thomas, or Thomas, or whatever else you want to call me. I write things sometimes and I also do rigs a bit.

    Of course, with college having hit my life harder than a semi truck barreling directly into a concrete wall that sells questionably designed rods I have to censor myself lol , rigs are taking a backseat to not dying and also preparing for a potential school transfer. I apologize to the starving masses who are starving for the glory bestowed upon them by their gracious lord, Pen.

    I am rather opinionated in my beliefs and I tend to be rather vocal about said beliefs. That being said, I don't talk much about serious issues here because the powers that control this land are rather restrictive on the serious topics that can be discussed here. Sorry, you don't get to read me ramble on about religious freedom or politics or whatever else I decide I want to make words about.

    I also draw some things. Not often, because of the aforementioned college, though, and even when I do, it's usually a rather rushed bit of work. I don't have the time to really focus on things the way I want to. It's a shame, really.

    I sometimes play video games. I am a huge fan of the Persona and Saints Row series-es, both of which are very similar I promise I lied. I also dink around on TF2 pub matches, either hoovying or doing absolutely nothing for my team as an Engineer. I'm invaluable.

    That is all.

    Adore me unconditionally.

    Accept me as your god.

  2. Something tells me your trying to start more rig wars Laugh


    lol what on earth is a rig war

    people'll make what they want to make

    that's how the game goes

    doesn't mean you have to make some sort of confrontational environment around the rigging sphere, where it suddenly becomes a problem when someone tries to put up their own version of something

  3. No, actually that's Roman. In French it would be "Et Toi, Voxus?"

    I'm Canadian m8, I know more Francais than you.

    EDIT: I know that for some reason google translate says "French Detected" but every French teacher will tell you never to use google translate.

    Google Translate isn't the greatest at differentiating Romantic languages, like Latin, French, and Spanish. It's not perfect.

  4. O6aJXIF.png












    Pistol Rig will come. I've just been busy with other projects and these rigs have sorta slipped through the cracks. I apologize.

    As with all of my rigs, any timeline object starting with an asterisk ( * ) must not be rotated or bended or repositioned or... whatever. If it has no asterisk, go nuts.

  5. Nice work!

    If I had one thing to say about it, it's that the grey circle in the middle there looks a bit big.  On the official design of the Cube, the white pieces go farther into the centre, like this:


    I'd just bring the white bits in a bit more, that's all.

    Anyway, it looks great!

  6. I like how two people liked the topic but there's not actually anything here.

    Eh, I guess I'm excited for this kind of, but I'm less than interested in an empty topic.

    I'm surprised myself about that.

    As it happens, the Scout pack is about 75% done.  I just felt like taking a break from rigging and messing around in GIMP, and these images were the result, so I figured I may as well get this set up now.

  7. Do I need an introduction?

    I'm only here because a friend asked me nicely to come back and I heard, through our mutual buddy Aronan, that Frossa was considering being nice and giving me a second chance, bless his heart.

    Let's see if I was lied to, huh?

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