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About Megatronusisdeath

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/03/2000

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    Um, animating, video editing, music composing, voice acting, Minecraft, Movies and my girlfriend.
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  1. This would probably pretty useless now, but unchecking Texture Filtering in the schematic's properties should've done the trick... yeah... just gonna leave that here
  2. Thank you David. All my problems have been fixed now. I'll forever appreciate what you have done here.. you changed lives.
  3. Thank you.. thank you. I'll be looking forward to it. And to your future work. I loved this new update, and hated that I couldn't use it. Thank you for not making me restart from zero.. I'll make sure to give more donations soon if I can..
  4. I used mediafire too upload the project, if want a better look. thank you for your help. https://www.mediafire.com/file/5o3vo2wxz2a3qc1/Fall_of_Cybertron_Recreation_(Optimus_Capture_pt_1).zip/file
  5. This is the crash log for one, even if all my projects are affected ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object app: string_length argument 1 incorrect type (undefined) expecting a String (YYGS) ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- called from - gml_Script_buffer_write_string (line 6) called from - gml_Script_json_save_value (line 14) called from - gml_Script_json_save_var (line 25) called from - gml_Script_project_save_template (line 24) called from - gml_Script_project_save_objects (line 7) called from - gml_Script_project_save (line 21) called from - gml_Script_action_toolbar_save (line 2) called from - gml_Script_app_update_keyboard (line 33) called from - gml_Script_app_event_step (line 26) called from - gml_Object_app_Step_0 (line 0) ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object app: string_length argument 1 incorrect type (undefined) expecting a String (YYGS) ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- called from - gml_Script_buffer_write_string (line 6) called from - gml_Script_json_save_value (line 14) called from - gml_Script_json_save_var (line 25) called from - gml_Script_project_save_template (line 24) called from - gml_Script_project_save_objects (line 7) called from - gml_Script_project_save (line 21) called from - gml_Script_action_toolbar_save (line 2) called from - gml_Script_app_update_keyboard (line 33) called from - gml_Script_app_event_step (line 26) called from - gml_Object_app_Step_0 (line 0) it says the exact same thing on all the other projects. I don't know if maybe it's my computer, I'll be getting a new one in a couple of days. i don't know how to upload projects, but I will as soon as I find out how. thank you for your help. i mean it.
  6. I have a problem... I can't open any projects from precious versions of MI... I can create new projects and save on them.. but not the old ones. Is it a bug..? or did I miss something? can it be fixed or.. am I just supposed to accept it and move on..?
  7. Is it normal if I open a project from a previous version.. and can't save it in MI 1.2..? it keeps telling me errors that I can't save the old project. I can only view it. Do I just have to start over? or did I miss something..?
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