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Everything posted by xXPUNISHERXx

  1. Join my server

  2. Guys I need help with how long an animation should be. What I mean is should I take the time and make a big animation or make small animations and use a movie editor to peice it together. So please suggest what I do it's helps people
  3. Why was it increased from 14 June to 20 June because it has been nearly been a third if a year and I get a little bit impatient after waiting so long for this amazing new software to come out. I am sorry I spazed out it's annoying but I will wait but if its not to much to ask to decrease by 2 days if you can David that would be as amazing as you releasing mine-imator when it first came out so PLEASE!!!!!!!! :)
  4. No some people think it is stupid I was providing support for those who don't know and plus I know that you wouldn't delete I making an example if you did that it would be painful for me and everyone else so I think you have taken it the wrong way David it was a positive not a negative comment. You are still awesome and we all love your work and look at what such a great community of people all accomplished by you my friend YOU DAVID
  5. Ok so people have complained about the unlimited rotation but for the people who are new that unlimited rotation is an advantage so an object say a diamond sword can spin forwards or left or right more than once so don't ask for it to be remove ask for to stay for all your sake and plus it would a pain without it so thank david for this.
  6. I ll post the address and you can see for yourself look a lot if things are possible so just believe me because I never lie
  7. No I we have the sniper skin and a sniper schematic anyway just wait and see!
  8. I will not give too much away so basically it is a parade done by me and my cousin plus I will keep you updated on its progress we are half way done with a time of 2:17 and then song length is 3:48 so we are moving strong!
  9. I am 12 nearly 13 I play minecraft, TF2, Assians Creed III and my favourite mine-imator! Plus I am an Aussie which I love for people who don't understand that slang it means Australian. Most people hate me because I am a nerd and more mature than most of the year 12s which is stupid, and them too! Me and my cousin are working on a parade and when it is finished I post a link in a post I give so follow me to see it. Plus I was inspired by elementanimation they are awesome. And to cap it of I see the world purely in 3D like in mine-imator when you look in the top left hand corner how can see it in all directions exactly like that! I am not weird it is just called imagination and we all have a lot of it so follow my posts and be the first to watch the video we bring out and subscribe and you can because that would be awesome so thank you for reading and see ya also here's the link for the topic!
  10. Guys get off his back he is awesome and has done the best job with mine-imator plus he deserves reputation anyway so lock this topic for good!!
  11. It would be cool if you could add in a feature to the world exporter option in the next update is type in a seed or chose a seed that is from one of your own world
  12. Well trying to make sure it doesn't happen otherwise a lot of people will be upset
  13. David could you not add smooth bending because it does not look like minecraft because there is no round in minecraft nor smooth
  14. Someone who makes sense for once
  15. Were comparing blender and mine-imator
  16. Mine-imater is better than blender and easier. Blender is complex and the bends don't look like minecraft at all with mine-imater it does. So get this program over the others. The time when you should use blender is when you need to make something like "The Crack" by elemetanimation!
  17. how would you bend the torso maybe into three sections! also this is minecraft after all
  18. no man good topic I didn't even know that until know so thanks for the exiting blog
  19. my cousin will be very happy if david does make a mac version plus it will be double the download rates which makes it more popular
  20. yes you are well and truly right it should be limited I really why it is the way it is maybe a bug don't know
  21. I agree it is a good idea but david might need to consult with mojang before adding it for copy right reasons
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