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Everything posted by MrKoix

  1. So, Yeah! I Created this suit prototype that don't look very good...(for me) i mean... it looks pretty bad for me now... But i think with more work this suit will look AMAZING! maybe... but this is the suit! (for now) ("look/s" count x4) Here's the Image! I think it looks... ok... (i guess) So! say what you think about it in comments! (always sorry for bad english!)
  2. So, Yeah! I Made my Second MINE-IMATOR Wallpaper with name! "Did i do something wrong?" Hope you Enjoy! How it looks? Say in Comments! (down below ^.^)
  3. So, Yeah! I Made my First Re-skinable (probably thats how to type this!) Heres the Download! Features! I Hope you Enjoy it! (no credit needed if used!) (and like always! sorry for bad english!)
  4. MrKoix

    M4A4 RIG!

    no x) "and please don't be mad" it was becouse of mistakes that i (probably) make in RIG! ya know! :^D
  5. ^.^ i don't like to spend HUNDREDS of HOURS on just making fingers! ya know! but it was my first so..
  6. MrKoix

    M4A4 RIG!

    So Yeah! i made and Update this (maybe) Awesome M4A4 RIG! Here's the Download! Pics! Heres the short insctruction how to use it! 1.There are 2 Things in Rig the First One is Folder And then a Model. -why? you ask. becouse of BUGS! 2.When you want to Parrent it Parrent "M4A4" (this is a folder!) when you want to rotate it with (yellow) circle use the "M4A4" (folder)! it's very important! 3.SO you made everything good... right? so now you can rotate with 2 other circles (blue and red) there are no bugs! When there still are the Rotation Bug you probably do something wrong! I hope you enjoy it! And Please don't be MAD! it's my third rig! (Oh! almost forgot! like always: sorry for bad english!)
  7. MrKoix

    AK-47 [RIG]

    Nah, don't look at that :^P
  8. MrKoix

    AK-47 [RIG]

    i always hear it! :^D Thx!
  9. MrKoix

    AK-47 [RIG]

    So, yeah i made my Very first Weapon rig! hope you enjoy! Here's the Download! Pics. Heres the short insctruction how to use it! 1.There are 2 Things in Rig the First One is Folder And then a Model. -why? you ask. becouse of BUGS! 2.When you want to Parrent it Parrent "M4A4" (this is a folder!) when you want to rotate it with (yellow) circle use the "M4A4" (folder)! it's very important! 3.SO you made everything good... right? so now you can rotate with 2 other circles (blue and red) there are no bugs! When there still is the Rotation Bug you probably do something wrong! and again "Hope you Enjoy!" (always sorry for bad english!)
  10. i CAN'T download this!
  11. MrKoix


    yeah. right but i will not going to be that smooth!
  12. MrKoix


    Mine-Imator would be A LOT easier with Tweens! but remember my english is not to good! But how tween looks?! And what Tween is?! let me explaine (when you know what tween is you dont need to read it...) Tween is a move from place to place but you can customize it in shapes. it can look like a semicricle , curve line or some other shapes.but when you still don't know what a Tween i search on youtube or "Uncle" Google will help you! This is the Tween tab (that my imagination how it would look!) in this tab everything happen. first we need min. 3 keyframes and chose the middle one! then create a tween when the Tween is create some cool things happen (like on the image) now we can customize the transistions and same tween line! Mine-imations with tweens will look a lot better. Not with a hundreds of keyframes to make it look good! heres the edited tween! (sorry for that mutch things on image but my program to edit these images buged a bit) heres the GIF result! (i made it like in 5-10 minutes!) i made it like in 10 Minutes...) And please don't be mad. This take me a LOT of work!
  13. Good idea BUT! mine-imator was made in Game Maker: Studios and this "Game Maker" is more for 2D Games not 3D programs or games... so Ragdol is probably IMPOSIBLE to make (always sorry for bad english!)
  14. ok good idea... BUT... IT WILL BLOW UP MY COMPUTER FROM 30 to 5 FPS SEE THE DIFRENCES?!? (RAGE) (don' know why :^P)
  15. here it is! my first (not VERY good) wallpaper!
  16. he must pay over 80$ for mac... becouse it is maked in Game Maker: Studios standard... (probably) but PRO Version have some more platforms like MAC LINUX ect.
  17. i know but i made it just because :^P (btw sorry for my bad english)
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