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Everything posted by moniker

  1. The rig is not some super complex thing, it's just a medkit with some stuff inside. There's clearly something wrong going on in there.
  2. You don't need to name every object, just the object you want to parent to.
  3. The memory leak is happening inside Mine-imator.exe, hard to argue it isn't the software.
  4. "Frustum culling" So we will finally be able to work with smooth FPS while having loaded big schematics and cubes/objects? As it stands Mineimator FPS slow downs so easy after you add an schematic, some cubes and objects for the finishing touches + have 2 or 3 minutes of keyframes. Also having the Camera window and "Toggle controls, wireframes and highighs in this view" enabled makes it worse. Btw I have found a strange Memory leak: Something on that rig causes Mineimator to consume an infinite amount of RAM (it keeps going up until it collapses). Tested on both 1.2.6 and 1.2.7.
  5. I don't get this. Can you post a project in example or video?
  6. Ok so I've been deleting stuff one by one to see what is triggering the memory leak. Looks like it has something to do about this rig: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hm4nwgjhlyl4oy6/Adv.Medic_Kit.rar/file I've also deleted one by one stuff on that rig. Looks like deleting everything except the bandaids still makes the ram go up... so maybe something to do with the baindaids? it's basically some cylinders and text on it... I don't get it. The ram goes up slower when deleting the stuff, but even with the baindaids only, it goes up, slower but it certainly keeps going up because I've left Mineimator running and when I came back it had added like 300MB. What's even more strange is that, I tried to delete the baindaids one by one, just to see if there was any difference between them even tho in theory it's just the same object cloned... and looks like one of them triggers this memory ram, because when I deleted this one, the ram stays quiet, while with this one left, the ram is still slowly going up... this is some poltergeist stuff. Time to call the exorcist @Nimi https://www.dropbox.com/s/bei8vxpm2sx9rzw/ramtest1.7z?dl=0 Here is the project with all the stuff deleted, except the medickit with the bandaid. To test this, open it, write down the ram that mineimator is using, then leave it open for like an hour, come back and compare. If the ram does not go higher, load the entire medickit in a project (https://www.mediafire.com/file/hm4nwgjhlyl4oy6/Adv.Medic_Kit.rar/file) then do the same and report back. Edit: There it is, 30 minutes later ram went up: There's definitely something going on. Btw, I realized the project got an * when I came back. Why is that?
  7. When I open a project, I noticed that after a while it would close itself with no errors. I noticed that the RAM goes higher nonstop until it collapses the program. Im not doing anything, just looking at the RAM, and it went up: First column is CPU usage, second is RAM. As you can see, it went 1 GB up within 20 minutes of doing nothing. Then I think around 3.7 GB the program colsed itself. The project is almost empty in keyframes. It only has the scenary I was working at before starting animating. The scenary is an schematic customized with blocks. After deleting this scenary, the RAM stops going up indefinitely and is stabilized at around 1380 MB. So looks like something on the scenary is causing it to consume RAM nonstop? what could be happening?
  8. There is an easy way to get around this. You can quickly visually click on the object you want to find on the Parent list, change the name to something unique, then you can filter it on the list. However, without the search box you have to scroll up and down manually which is insanity.
  9. Trying to find something specific in an huge amount of parented stuff is a nice one trip to insanity as you try to scroll up and down to find it: A search box would solve this, as you type what you are trying to find everything that doesn't have that word gets filtered out, as you can do in the "Resources" and "Library" section, as well as when you are adding something (blocks, objects, particles.. all have this search box)
  10. It would be useful. It makes sense that sometimes you would need it on the center (like to make your character do a flip in the air) and sometimes on the floor as it comes by default.
  11. I think I may be hitting a 2GB RAM limit with the project? I reckon reading Mineimator was limited to only 2GB. As of right now the Mine-imator.exe process is using 2GB, it loads, but im assuming once i add the stuff I deleted again I would hit this 2GB limit? However the folder of the project is only 66MB, so I don't get it. I wish there was a way to get around this very strict limitation, but apparently we are doomed with this due Gamemaker version of MI not working with 64bit binaries.
  12. I dont know any beside \AppData\Roaming\Mine_imator\log.txt and there's nothing interesting said there
  13. For some reason a project I was working on closes itself when I click on it to open and leaves no error. The log.txt says nothing interesting. How can I know wtf is causing it? I've used an older backup and it works. Then I work on it again for a while and when I save it and open it it crashes. Edit: I deleted some .png files from the folder and now it opens. So looks like im hiting some kind of limit. But this is weird because the project file is under 6mb, and I have other projects above 6mb in size.
  14. I clicked on "bend on X axis" on Modelbench, exported it on Mineimator but there's no bending point. I basically just want a 4x1 rectangle that can bend to simulate a vanilla style mouth.
  15. It's not about the number of images but the total size loaded. Case in point, I converted the biggest image I had loaded from png to jpg, and it loaded. Problem is, I need transparencies on the rest of images so they must stay in .png. The program just hits a wall past a certain amount of mb's loaded for some reason.
  16. They aren't large images. I've got around 40mb worth of png images loaded on the project that crashes. 40mb isn't a big number in 2020 isn't it.
  17. Im making an animation using a bunch of sprites so I have to load many .png images. Looks like I hit a certain treshhold. They aren't small images The program doesn't crash while im working on things, I discover I've crossed that treshold once I load the project again and it crashes when trying to load, rendering the project useless. Please upgrade the amount of stuff you can load on the program.
  18. Pressing a key (like ctrl) while moving a value of something would move it in slow motion, like this: Having to manually input numbers in tiny increments to slowly move something it's insanity as it stands.
  19. This would be insanely obvious for many ideas. For instance, having a laptop screen as a surface, and scrolling the texture left and right to simulate the background of a videogame, like a Super Mario game or something. There's many ideas that could be done if we could automate many things with keyframes that for some reason you can't right now.
  20. It's broken. I think Nimi said this is fixed in 1.3.0
  21. I can't seem to find a way to make a rectangle with the mapped texture. For instance to make a keyboard I need a rectangle, but seems that this only works with 16x16 squares.
  22. moniker


    Woud be cool to have a way to spawn polygons. For instance, I don't like using cylinders because it looks off within the Minecraft aesthetic, however I would be able to deal with an hexagon. Perhaps you could enter the number of faces and spawn custom polygons.
  23. Yeah but im talking about being able to click on the surface of the cube and tweak each side separately.
  24. It would be insanely useful if you could choose a texture file for each face of a cube (or a triangle, or any of other shapes). Right now the texture applies to all sides.
  25. Yeah, problem is when you go pitch dark you need tons of different lights all over the place, for now i'll deal with it. Looks like 1.3.0 is the real deal, fixes many things. I just hope we also get the "sticky object" on the timeline to have the camera timeline visible at all times. The only thing missing would be to fix the alpha rendering but I assume it's just impossible at this point. And a feature I would like is a quicker way to make round trajectories. Right now you have to add a folder on top of the character and awkwardly place it next to a corner until the angle fits well with the curve you want the character to travel.. anyway this is offtopic. I just start imagining things I would like when I see 1.3.0 mentioned.
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