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Status Updates posted by MinesterTheFloop

  1. It feels satisfying correcting a person older than you.

  2. I don't get the point of MLG. It's just jibberish, airhorns, and yelling and people think it's this so-called "bootyful". What's with that?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Lord

      The Lord

      @MinesterTheFloop I'm sorry but I had to do this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd4bqmP_460

    3. MinesterTheFloop


      @The Lord Oh, I love that video!

    4. toaster4


      they call it bootyful becuz itz full of booty

  3. Thanks a lot old computer! I have to downgrade to Windows 7 because of you! *mutters* Stupid outdated drivers... And no updated ones either...

  4. So Minecraft isn't working, and I have to update my graphics drivers. Turns out it doesn't support Windows 10 yet and their latest driver is from 2010, I think. (I have old computer)

  5. *girly squeal* Windows 10, Minecraft 15w31a (Yes, I know the week #), and Minecraft Win10 are coming out in a few hours! *squeal* SO HYPED!

    1. Rogue


      Oh few hours well then Gonna go to sleep then also this is funny Project spartan and Cortana sounds like Microsoft really likes there Halo

    2. Ocelot


      What did you say about my genders vocalisms?

    3. Rogue
  6.  *hyperventilates* I'm getting my Tdap booster thing shot tomorrow... *wails and sobs*

  7. Woah. What happened here? Something about 5N@F 4?

  8. Wow. I finished a can of Pringles in under an hour. What is wrong with me?!

    1. V2lsbGJsM3BpYw==


      i can finish one in 15 mins.

    2. Crow Robot

      Crow Robot

      i did it in 11 mins once.

  9. Even though my internet is down on my computer, it's still on my iPad. Yay.

    1. Jack


      imma floop the minester

  10. Yay, my birthday is tomorrow. 

    1. Allemn


      Happy Early Birthday!

    2. Mooshim


      Hearly Birthday!

  11. Wow, these speech jammers reaaaaaaaally *stutter stutter* work.

  12. For some reason, my 6-year old cousins link to peek into the bathroom when I'm doing my business. Then they giggle. They're weird.

    1. toaster4


      ew, your cousins are pervs

    2. MinesterTheFloop


      I know. And I don't know why.

    3. Lumie
  13. So my mom told me some story of what happens if I don't eat. Thanks a lot for the nightmare fuel, MA!

  14. I'm making a new series, but I'm only going to show the initials: WMNPP. Try and guess what it means. You'll most likely fail.

  15. Wait, what's with all the 5N@F statuses?

    1. Ethaniel


      trying to find ways to say 5n@f

  16. Cool! The forums got a redesign!

  17. Welcome to the Forums!

  18. StevenBomb in 6 hours. *grabs tissues* I'm ready.

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