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Status Replies posted by Ocelot

  1. My body feels so weak today... 

  2. I'm Live! 


  3. Why did I put my hopes up for Chicago... 


  4. Keep on Jamming.

  5. Replaced my profile pic with my new OC (or atleast her concept art). 

    If you judge meh you're ded. Won't be big surprise

  6. Fun fact: 3 in 10 roleplayers replace their main character/first character with a new one because of A: They are out of balance or B: Because they feel they are too old to roleplay the character.

    I'm one of them

  7. You know, being an Otherkin is really no different to being religious. (Feel free to challenge me on that )

  8. You know, being an Otherkin is really no different to being religious. (Feel free to challenge me on that )

  9. You know, being an Otherkin is really no different to being religious. (Feel free to challenge me on that )

  10. You know, being an Otherkin is really no different to being religious. (Feel free to challenge me on that )

  11. Oh my.. what a beautiful tale of Life and Death.


  12. Oh my.. what a beautiful tale of Life and Death.


  13. Oh my.. what a beautiful tale of Life and Death.


  14. I trump @x3j50's challenge, and challenge you to a Rubik's Cube duel!

  15. zlkdoxqrixqflkp, vlr grpq abzlaba qep


    have fun trying to decode this out

  16. Why do people here use the 8D emoticon so often? The context in which it's used always makes what people are saying sound incredibly rude...

  17. Why do people here use the 8D emoticon so often? The context in which it's used always makes what people are saying sound incredibly rude...

  18. Never in my life have I wanted a game as much as I want No Man's Sky.

  19. On the subject of donations, would it be a bad idea to start a patreon? I've sworn never to put ads on my videos, and I wouldn't accept any money whatsoever until I have a 'decent' amount of subscribers, but I'd like your opinion. Making the videos isn't costly, but it's always nice to think about upgrading the equipment, or maybe have those few dollars to buy lunch, which allows me time to film! Again, just want your opinion, I don't feel I deserve anything for my amateur videos but if anyone feels differently...? Patreons would have top priority for all requests :)

  20. Cube maps are powerful if you know how to use them *just* right. :D


  21. Why is the average female student afraid of flying balls? It really annoys me when they constantly scream.

  22. I'm sure most of you have seen the HTC Vive and how amazing (and expensive - $1500) it is. Well, just imagine if you could use it for not only gaming, but for Skype calls. Imagine creating a 3D map of your room using the dual cameras of some kind of software, a non-solid space in which a recipient with another Vive could move around. Instead of the Vive world being that of a pre-rendered game, it could be a broadcasted video, similar to 3D YT videos but with that same spacial awareness. Imagine being able to see the controllers of the other person, imagine playing a game of online ping-pong with a friend that's moved overseas or feighing a hug with a loved one! Of course, there are so many problems and possibility for misuse, save for the fact that it's probably impossible, but just imagine..

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