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Everything posted by kingnicolas27

  1. I am absolutely hyped for MI 2.0. it's going to be spectacular to not only have more creative minds gathered in one singular place through the multi-platform capabilities, though to also have more power to create with the general optimizations. Quite literally a game changer of an update
  2. Congrats to the progress the MI team has made; amazing!
  3. @Shadow Thanks so much! I've actually made 2 more posters, but one was a very quick put together, and I didn't post the third- but i'll definitely make more soon
  4. Hello! I've picked up Mine-Imator after again a number of years, and made something with it. I'm looking to improve, and felt it'd be best to post a creation I consider "finished", to get constructive criticism and learn from it- feel free to judge & give advice if you're able to, thanks! Attempt 1 (10/18/20) - Used what I thought looked good: Attempt 2 (10/18/20) - Used advice from users on the MI Discord, thanks!: If you'd consider, please rate and critique the following: - Posing: (1 to 10 rating) - Expressions (1 to 10 rating) - Lighting: (1 to 10 rating) - Scenery (1 to 10 rating) - Overall feedback /w anything else you feel you should say Thank you to all those willing to help me improve!
  5. The fingers seem to break up when bent - any reason why?
  6. Does this still work for the most current version of Mine-Imator? Thanks!
  7. @Dr. Cuto @Pigeon_ @Arczision™ I worked around with the lighting as you all mainly suggested, an update has been placed in the main post though for ease of effort i'll put it in this reply too What are your new thoughts?
  8. Thanks for the feedback! Although I must kindly disagree with that last part as I intended it to be that way. Think about it as one of those scenes from a TellTale game such as TwD, or MC: Story Mode for example where you need to choose what to do as a crucial bending point in your story, in those scenes the character is most visible and to even see both of your choices you have to look left/right. Meaning that I want the characters conflict to be most present, and for the 2 mobs to be meaningful, but to not overpower the main dilemma (and since it's not an animation where I look around, I had to find a way to include them both in the scene and make their existence count, etc.)
  9. Heya, haven't been here in ages yet again. I'm trying to get into the habit of making good posters so i've decided to start up a little thing called "Judge Me #<number>" where I display a poster I consider "finished". The quotations cause I considered that finished as far as my ability can take me, and i'm hoping to get some constructive criticism through here that way I can improve [9/3/17] Starting Image: [9/4/17] - Improvement Image 2: [9/4/17] - Improvement Image 3: If you're able to, please rate and critique the most recent image by the following! - Posing (1 to 10 rating) - Expressions (1 to 10 rating) - Lighting (1 to 10 rating) - Scenery (1 to 10 rating) - Overall feedback /w anything else you feel you should say (1 to 100 rating) Thank you so kindly for all those who're willing to help me improve!
  10. Well, true I get where you're coming from. Though with all do respect I personally believe that every animation should have it's own unique attributes to it based on what the animator envisions and wants to achieve. Even if they have a bias such as (I know it's very very coincidental, but i'm not trying to make fun/insult you, it's simply the best possible example) "I think everything should have this, or that. No exceptions" and are set with that idea, if they make what they do flow well/have a pretty damn good animation, it turns out just as fine as everyone else ;D Like for example your "Animate like you" video, even though you think *insert repeat cause too lazy*, you still make the animation look pretty great. So yee, long story short as long as we all put lots of serious effort into it, all our animations will look awesome regardless of our animation style
  11. My mind after reading your reaction: "O-oh my, they must, *teeth suck noise* enjoy it quite some bit ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Thank you ^_^! As I said before this rig has gotten me quite motivated to animate again, so I wanna be sure to perfect what I want to do as much as possible! Same goes to you as well, usually people are rude and just don't give any usefull tips to improve. However you took the time to actually be polite and give genuine legitimate criticism on how I can make these animations better and I did just that. So don't thank me! Also, sorry for being picky again I just love getting this sort of rating xP Though if you were to give my original one a rating from 1 to 100, what would it be? Same goes for the new one. Just would want to see how much you thought I improved on a more specific scale
  12. I slowed down the fps of the animation itself and re-uploaded it. What do you think of the difference?
  13. @Vixel Thank you so kindly! ^-^ I used to use an old rig made by SKIBZ (I think that's how you spell his name? Idek, haven't been here in ages), though there were so many parts so it kinda got me bored to use it and I stopped animating for a while. Though once I got this rig I got a lot more motivated and welp, I made this! Apologies for seeming picky, though do you have any other critiques you could see? Or is what you said about all there is to fix up?
  14. @Mike For which parts would you recommend/what variation of it? Here's what I used: For the bending body I used "Ease in and out (quadratic)" For the general whole body I used "Linear" For the head I used "Ease out (quadratic)" and finally for the rest of the arms I used "Ease out (cubic)"
  15. Just made a test animation for an idle/breathing pose and i'm looking for critique/feedback. Here's a video presentation I made for it:
  16. Ah, amazing to hear! I'm glad I chose to try and get back into mine-imator at the right time then
  17. @Keep on Chucking Awesome! When should we all expect it? .o.
  18. Yeah, that's what I plan to do @-StickyMations- @Colonel Muffin I always thought people just spent hours messing around with countless lighting effects in mineimator, was it with blocks this whole time? Or are there 2 ways, 1 with messing with lighting and another with using blocks like the video sent?
  19. After being gone for quite some time and deciding to get into mineimator again/thinking up some good ideas, I've noticed how people have volumetric clouds and lighting in their animations.. May anyone help me find a good tutorial on how to make volumetric lighting/clouds?
  20. It's not against the rules for me to comment I hope you know Even if it was that long ago it doesn't matter, doesn't mean I should give up on trying to contact them.
  21. @ViniciusbrMaster Hey, any download to your SWAT rigs by any chance?

  22. @Achroma MC Thanks! Does he have any other rigs out? I remember him making a Mettaton rig, but i'm not too sure if he released that or not..
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