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Everything posted by AnxiousCynic

  1. Lol. What transitions would you be referring to, exactly?
  2. That might be a challenge! I'll make a note of it.
  3. So instead of making short bits of animation specifically in/for my tutorials, I decided to make an "actual" animation that featured some of the techniques I plan to do in my upcoming tutorials. k bai.
  4. Do you mean like, realistic motion blur, or that still frame / strobe effect where there's basically a cutout of the character/object trailing behind?
  5. Looks cool! Maybe I'll give it a shot.
  6. Umm, possibly. Feel free to private message me with more details. Thanks!
  7. Thanks, guys! Really appreciate the feedback! I'm not really aware of anything like that, right off... What kind of crate are you referring to?
  8. Tutorial: Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4cnV8KDi11Fa0UzVy1WYW13dmc
  9. Haha. Nice! So long as everything goes smoothly... next Friday, along with tutorial. EEEE!!!
  10. Something I put together for my subs.
  11. Much thanks! Look who's ahead of the curve! ;D
  12. A coincidentally timed tutorial! Another subscriber request I've gotten, how to do that slo mo.
  13. Well who said he didn't crack his bones and go to the hospital!? Sometimes you-a do da flip, and you-a miss-a da landing!
  14. You forgot "Floo"! Ah yes. I am aware of that, but this was done more or less "on the fly" as I recorded the tutorial (and, as I said in the video, it was my first attempt and I hadn't practiced it beforehand. Lul), so a little roughness is to be expected. The main point is to illustrate the base concept, and maybe at a later time revisit with more "advanced" tips. I appreciate the criticism, though!
  15. This one was requested quite a bit, so I decided to tackle it this week.
  16. Hmm. There might be a way to do this, but I'm not sure how good it would look. I may give it a shot, we'll see!
  17. Make sure anti aliasing is off. If you're using a font with a lot of rounded edges, it might cause a problem, but I'm not completely sure about that. Mostly make sure anti aliasing is off.
  18. Another subscriber request, how to make it rain! Literally.
  19. See description of the video on YouTube.
  20. Why thank you! I got the block breaking texture from a default resource pack I have, but I included a download in the description of the video if you want to get the "rig", and thus textures, easily. Lol. Well at least it was a surprise!
  21. Nailed it! I'm not too familiar with Gimp, but I'm gonna try to use it more! Glad it helped!
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