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When will Mine-Imator add Minecraft 1.20 contents?

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On 6/9/2023 at 1:27 PM, RadiantWindstar said:

Well then......

Guess I would die.exe

I may say something dumb, but how about you build a Sakura Forest with oak trees and then change the texture of the oak trees with the texture of the cherry blossom trees in Mine-Imator ?

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Well if you are able to make this mybe you could also change the texture of the wood as well because the chery blossomwood looks different.

(That isn't meaned mean, I am sorry if it feels mean. And I am also sorry for my english, it is not very good.)

(It looks like chocolate a friend of my said. Thats the reason why I name it chocolate wood now and like it so much, it realy remind me of chocolate.)

But it gives some people in the mi community what could maybe able to make the things of the update like DerRatmir (if I write his name wrong I am sorry). He made a realy good camel model, you should be able to find the topic.

Should be the topic. I didn't maked a link in my live before so maybe it is better you search the topic. I found it under: DerRatmir camel

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On 6/12/2023 at 4:21 AM, TheRatmir said:

well, there is one good person who has already done transferred version 1.20 to the mine-imator
here is the link - 


Would give it a try,thx anyway

But I suggest we just keep asking for 1.20 contents from mineimator official 😕

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