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Ok! Time for some CC. Don't take this as hate, it's not.

The skysphere is stretched.

Where there aren't torches, you can see no sort of night lighting. Always put a spotlight in the sky colored dim aqua.

I don't know what happened, but the point lights for the torches are messed up. You can see random shadows everywhere.

The schematic you used does not fit the scene at all. It would probably be better if you made it a detailed alleyway or something.

The torch inside the building isn't lit.

The posing is not very realistic. Try and mess around with different posing and develop an understanding of what looks good and natural.

It looks like you raised the brightness for the character. You should never raise brightness.

Maybe you could turn the sword so the Y is facing us so we could see it.

The AW symbol looks really out of place for some reason. 

Maybe you could make the sound bars emit some sort of glow?

That's kinda all I have to say. If you listen to CC and see what others do and how they do it, you can really learn a lot, and in short time, too. Keep trying!

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