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So, After a good 2-3 days of work, I managed to get this to be a thing;



The Wand

The rig itself

(No Luma yet)


V1: Creation

V2: Updated it to look less blocky

V2.1: Updated the hair to have more depth

V3: Swapped the placeholder mouth for a more cleaner type, allowing a little more freedom in lip syncing.

V3.1: Unreleased.

V4: Recolored the rig to look more like Rosalina in the Galaxy games.

(Note: Use 1.0.6 or CB for the rig to work properly. Most of the items are offset from their normal positions in 1.1.0.)



Edit: I just realized that Rosalina's anniversary was 2 days before my rig was posted :D


Edited by TheAmazingAnimator
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30 minutes ago, Swift said:

It looks like Rosalina to me.

Not what I mean, lol.

It looks like Rosalina, but it's not Rosalina like.

I get it's MineCraft, but it's really blocky and not enough rig-like.

That's not a very detailed explanation.

But personally I don't think it's a very good rig.

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26 minutes ago, Swift said:

You can at least give constructive criticism though.

I- I did.

Like, twice. 

1 hour ago, Che3syPlayz said:


It looks like Rosalina, but it's not Rosalina like.

I get it's MineCraft, but it's really blocky and not enough rig-like.

That's not a very detailed explanation.

That's criticism. And constructive.
I said what I think is not so good about it.


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4 hours ago, Che3syPlayz said:

Not what I mean, lol.

It looks like Rosalina, but it's not Rosalina like.

I get it's MineCraft, but it's really blocky and not enough rig-like.

That's not a very detailed explanation.

But personally I don't think it's a very good rig.

The "craft" in Minecraft isn't supposed to be capitalized.

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5 hours ago, Che3syPlayz said:

I- I did.

Like, twice. 

That's criticism. And constructive.
I said what I think is not so good about it.


Acording to google constructive criticism is often containing helpful and specific suggestions for positive change, constructive criticism is highly focused on a particular issue or set issues, as opposed to providing general feedback on the item or organization as a whole. All you said was it's to blocky but you did not say how he could improve, therefor you are just giving criticism and not constructive criticism. 

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7 minutes ago, Swift said:

Acording to google constructive criticism is often containing helpful and specific suggestions for positive change, constructive criticism is highly focused on a particular issue or set issues, as opposed to providing general feedback on the item or organization as a whole. All you said was it's to blocky but you did not say how he could improve, therefor you are just giving criticism and not constructive criticism. 

I mean, the way I said it kind of told him what's wrong and how to fix it.

Make it less blocky.

Is it really that hard to read?
Let me make it bigger.



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Take this to the Private Messages so that constructive criticism doesn't get buried

4 hours ago, FoxtrotHeaven said:

It looks pretty good. Except it looks like she ran into a wall at 100 mph and lived without a scratch

Here let me fix that,

She ran into a wall at the A380's takeoff velocity

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