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Kepler-62f's Flatland Plains (AKA Do you want to be a snowman?)

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"Do you want to be a snowman?"



Roughly one hours later...






Note: Kepler-62f is the planet roughly 1,200 light years away from Earth. The planet is about 1.4 times larger than Earth and is likely to covered entirely in WATER. However it is likely too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface so there is the global frozen ocean. Assuming there is oxygen on the surface, we could get two human(oids) playing with snow.

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no you couldn't

you need things like oxygen (obviously)

an ozon layer, otherwise your skin would be burned in minutes, even if it's colder than the depths of space

there might be alot of toxic gasses, or not enough gas

the atmosphere might be too thin or too thick, and if the gravity is too much, you'd weigh as much as peter grifin...


nice pic doe

Can we sign friendly treaty to stop coward+stupid war


The planet is currently inhabited by both green microscopic lifeforms that provides stable oxygen source to some extremely-rare sandworm-like thing that runs on continuous food digesting through the planet's icy surface. In fact, being a human living on this planet for a long term is almost impossible without self-providing food source in their bases. Ozone layer is appeared fast like what you've expected, like Earth. This planet has it's own ozone layer. Most of the toxic gasses were absorbed by ancient ocean during the formation of the planet. Also even we have quite thick atmosphere here, surface gravity is not much higher because there's alot of water-ice here to nerf the surface gravity (In my own experiments in US2, the final surface gravity is 1.12 Terran G.


Thanks for the questions.


Image belongs to Tide, sent from 17,824 A.D.

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