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An important reminder.

Message added by TopicLocker3000

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Necro posting is bad mmkay. If you see the post is really old. (I'd usually say 2 or 3 months) don't comment. It's probably closed and done with. 


What is necroposting?

Necroposting is the act of reviving a topic that has been dead (Hence the necro) or that can no longer be used (Like if the person was banned)


Why should you not necropost?

It leads to frustration. Imagine if someone went back to the first forum post ever and commented. That is inconvenient for anyone who might have commented years or months before. Also if it's a request topic the commissioner is bothered because they are probably not even doing the requests anymore. 


How to avoid necroposting?

Check the last comment date. If there is a long list of people that were recent comments, continue. If it was just a few, you should probably turn back.


MORAL OF THE STORY: If you necro post, we're gonna have a bad time.

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isn't this mini-modding? :/ i get so confused with all of the new rules from uberkilelr during 2014

Apparently not. According to Frossa and ÜberKiller.


I don't really see how necroposting is that bad, in some cases it's bad (for old request topics and such) but for certain things it's SO annoying to not be able to post in something just because it's a little bit old.

Not when it's a little old. But alot old.

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In some cases it's ok to post on an older post (as long as it's not too old), for example when it's about a problem which still exists or a discussion about something which is somehow recent while not beeing recent (if you know what i mean). It really depends and is different from topic to topic.

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If a post is meaningful (by an OP's opinion) then ask a Mod first. We can understand (having done it a couple times myself, some were alright, others were blatantly stupid xD, not necessarily on this forum), that sometimes a post is wanted. Eg. Problem with a rig, you want to ask OP via the rig's page, but rig is about 2 months old now, but still used. Just ask with us first :)

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