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I personally hate using 3D manipulator widgets (Little red, yellow, and blue arrows and circles) for animating and much prefer using hotkeys.

Here's a list of simple hotkeys I think should be added:

S= Scale (Pressing X, Y, or Z would allow you to manipulate the on the corresponding axis.)

R= Rotate (Pressing X, Y, or Z would allow you to manipulate the on the corresponding axis.)

G= Grab (Freely move the object on all axes, Pressing X, Y, or Z would allow you to manipulate the on the corresponding axis.)

D= Deselect (the current object selected)

I= Insert Keyframe

(These should all be customizable in the settings)

I'm sure more could be more created for more specific tasks but these were the most basic ones I could think of.

Thanks for reading! :) 


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