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The Ultimate Resource Centre: [Update 1/31/16]

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I had created a similar topic as an idea to ask what people think. After posting it I discovered this. So my bad...

Having a look through, it's a great but I feel it's missing a few things. As I had posted in my topic:


    Map Schematics (More detail includes map size: small, medium, big)
    Scenery Schematics (More detail includes grouping: nature prop, I'm a bit brain dead here for more types)
    Item Schematics (More detail includes grouping: Weapons, General items, still brain dead :()
    Probably a lot more types (Suggest some)
    Tutorials on making them


    Human (Steve etc.) related
    Probably a lot more types (Suggest some)
    Tutorials on making them

    Visual/Auditory Effects

    A soundboard for Minecraft. I found a topic recently.
    A collection of sounds for TF2/Minecraft animations.
    Other Misc sounds for specific items
    I'm a bit brain dead on something for Visual effects... D:
    Probably a lot more types (Suggest some)
    Tutorials for sound (more common sense I believe) on making them (meaning getting them from somewhere. EG. I used sounds from Naruto episodes in one of my animations).

The bullet points seem to be missing but I hope you get it. I was hoping you'd be able to edit some of that in? I also think it's a pretty big task searching through all the resources to organize like that so, if you need help I can help.

Edited by Ayhay
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Thanks. If you need any help at all, I won't mind. I'll try not to hurt myself too much :P Just felt I didn't search hard enough to findsomething similar. I forgot to seaerch the main area. The Resource section...

If you feel fit, you can send me a bunch of links via PM. I would add those into an accorded section for the list.

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If you feel fit, you can send me a bunch of links via PM. I would add those into an accorded section for the list.

I'll try my best. now. Let me just check the number of pages... faint and then get on with it :)


Well not that many as I expected :D

Now I'm going to sort it later in the day.

Edited by Ayhay
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Aha it's there :)


It's not just rigs, the spreadsheet has the tabs below to Scenery, Skins and something else too I believe :D (I made it and can't remember x_x)


The link seems to be failing for me. But I am able to download, anyone else getting problems?


I'll also update the sheet with my copy at the end of the month Killer, a monthly thing I'd say.

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Aha it's there :)


It's not just rigs, the spreadsheet has the tabs below to Scenery, Skins and something else too I believe :D (I made it and can't remember x_x)


The link seems to be failing for me. But I am able to download, anyone else getting problems?


I'll also update the sheet with my copy at the end of the month Killer, a monthly thing I'd say.

Sounds good. Also the link is working fine for me.

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Add this too Killer :)

TF2 Sound board:


Minecraft sound board (From PMC JUST CONTAINS MOB SOUNDS) by Zakoschris

PMC Link

Direct download link

You could just open the .vpk files using GCFscape in the directory: 

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf


I'll add it since it seems easier to other members who don't have steam.

EDIT: The MC sounds is just a soundboard. No good for this topic.

EDIT 2: I cannot add either sounds for this thread. The thread HAS to be downloadable files usable for video editing software.

Edited by ÜberKiller
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Hi, I just made a new youtube channel and to show that my previous channel is no longer here I'm "retiring" my old skin by burring him at a funeral with my friends crying as I go down into the ground in a coffin. There is only one problem I need a good schematic for the open grave and graveyard where the funeral will take place! Please help and make this schematic 

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Hi, I just made a new youtube channel and to show that my previous channel is no longer here I'm "retiring" my old skin by burring him at a funeral with my friends crying as I go down into the ground in a coffin. There is only one problem I need a good schematic for the open grave and graveyard where the funeral will take place! Please help and make this schematic 

This isn't a request topic. There's a section for that. Try making a topic there. There are also many maps made already, try googling it.

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I dont get it, why is this in requests

There isn't any other place that would make sense. "Requests" seemed to make the most since as any other place would seem unrelated to the area. And since this is for video content, people would often look here if they needed anything.

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