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In the Mine-imator directory, there is a file called "English.txt".
It's all the words that is used in MM 1.0.0.

What does that mean?

Now, you're thinking, "It's not really much of modding?", Well, It's a start. We can file edit files and they have an effect on 1.0.0.
The beginning of modding!

Overview on how to install/edit the file..
(Always keep backups)

How to do it?
1. Simple...Open up'English.txt'.

2. Edit appropriate sections.

3. Save.

4. Open MM
5. Profit$$

I encourage you play around with it and try it, it's fun.


I made a new text file, which gives a "Ghetto Aussie" Sorta language. (Drug references too :o)
So yeah.

DL to my basic 'Ghetto Aussie' file:



Not to start or add new lines.
Not to make the sentence to big.

I look forward to see the language translations aswell.

Edited by Emunator
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David wouldn't of added if he didn't wish for it to edited.
So it's official and supported.

And It's the Start of modding.
Editing a base file is reason enough to call it modding.

Sure, it's not editing models or anything massive like that, but it's a start, and every modding community needs a start somewhere.
Plus I view this language resource more of a fun gimmick then to be anything useful.

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The Glorious David wouldn't of added if he didn't wish for it to edited.

So it's official and supported.

And It's the Start of modding.

Editing a base file is reason enough to call it modding.

Sure, it's not editing models or anything massive like that, but it's a start, and every modding community needs a start somewhere.

Plus I view this language resource more of a fun gimmick then to be anything useful.


Just because you can do something doesn't mean it's supported. You can mod Minecraft, but does it mean that it's supported?

This is literally just language translation. There's no way to switch the language in the program itself, is there? 


Look, I'm just stating a fact. What you've found is cool and all, but that doesn't mean that's it's modding or that it's supported. When David provides means by which to switch languages, that's when we know that's it's officially supported.


Go ahead, by all means, create your own translations, but don't be sure that we can expect to use said translations until long into the future.

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