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Keyframe Files

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(Note: I'm aware that Shane suggested something like this recently. However, before he posted the suggestion, I had something a little bit different in mind.)


Heavenira here! I had this idea where you could store keyframes as files! Here's how it'll work:


1. Select the keyframe(s) you want to make as a file.


2. Below the "Reset part" and the "Delete selection" button, you'll see "Export keyframes".



3. Clicking on that should bring you to a file browser. From there you can save the file in any place you want.



4. Once you save the file, you'll get to choose an option for the positioning to be relative from the last keyframe.



5. If you right click on your timeline, it'll show a new option saying "Import keyframes". From there, you browse for the file you saved!

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You just created a suggestion on how it should work. It's fairly obvious that it'll involve selecting and windows explorer. Alright the new part is the button you placed but what's the exact point of it being there when the whole GUI is different. Not to mention there's a possibility of the feature being there already...?

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You just created a suggestion on how it should work. It's fairly obvious that it'll involve selecting and windows explorer. Alright the new part is the button you placed but what's the exact point of it being there when the whole GUI is different. Not to mention there's a possibility of the feature being there already...?

Didn't think it through. Shoot. x6ulgeq.png

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