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Preset Maker Suggestion

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Well..... not much, but.....


Here's my preset maker! :) 





This can make a preset for Mine-imator...... and as you look there, you see the model can be changed. So, the preset is for a specific model in Mine-imator.


Now, in your animation, if you right - click the keyframe......



(NOTE: Jumping and Running are made by yourself)


This what pops up! xD 


The preset that has been loaded will contained here, and the maximum preset can be contained is 3. :P 


So, the main features are:

- Can be save as different types (.preset, .mani, in timeline as default)

- Loop preset  (Example for Running preset or walking preset, etc.)

      Note: Uncheck for like jumping one time in the animation.

- Model can be changed

     Note: If the wrong preset (ex: slime) is given to human, it wil produce the slime preset with wrong body parts.

- The preset name ("Your "preset" preset) same as the name of your .preset file.


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