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  1. Comments, please.
  2. My attempt at remaking the exotic gun from Destiny, The Last Word. Diff. Texture.
  3. Another WIP to add to my list..... Shaded- With a default Steve for height Up close Shaded I'm thinking this is turning out quite well. List to do: add tail bones - linking tail segments making easier to move make jeans/ pants seperate and add bones Smoothen out Skin, clothing, eyes If possible Add fingers​ Release Rig once problems are fixed
  4. Product Subject to change!
  5. Greetings Mine-imator Viewers, Today I will be bringing you a topic I haven't seen on the forums! Such topic would be bringing Rigs to you, the viewers to download! So far there are [12] Characters in the game; Overwatch (Name is Subject to change). I would be Skinning all models with a 64 x 64 format, allowing me to add extra detail, making a better looking skin!, I would also try my best to kep them in a "HD" Orientated Format. http://i.imgur.com/el1ZgTe.png http://i.imgur.com/hw1u7dS.png Overwatch's Heroes -- Blizzard Tracer, https://38.media.tumblr.com/74b1fdcba02bd5f03ff1533f1200144a/tumblr_nes5iauIde1tndn6wo1_r2_400.gif Tracer is a extremely quick, agile offensive fighter. She can use her abilities to weave around the map with ease and reach back lane in Teamfights. -IGN Reaper, http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/320/f/e/overwatch_wallpaper__reaper_by_haikai13-d86krx9.jpg Reaper is a Assassin-like ranged character who specializes in moving around the map picking off enemies. Using the abilities Shadow Step and Wraith Form, Reaper can weave in and out of fights with ease and safty. -IGN Mercy, http://wordofthenerdonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/10/mercy.jpg Mercy is a support character who excels at aiding allies. With Powerful abilities such as Caduceus Staff and Resurrect, Mercy can Greatly alter the outcome of fights and duels. -IGN Windowmaker, http://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/43656730/overwatch.0.0_cinema_1920.0.jpg Windowmaker is a long range defender, using her sniper rifle to pick off long range targets and locate opponents with Infra(red)-Sight. -IGN Hanzo, https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/12/38/9f/12389f8d5f5853f2968b93ce24951cca.jpg Hanzo is a Ranged Offensive character. Unlike other ranged characters Hanzo uses a bow and arrow (giving style points), with abilities such as Scatter Arrow and Dragonstrike Hanzo can deal massive damage to multiple targets. -IGN Bastion, http://media.tumblr.com/ee00d591ea3506544131dffe3f9a5ab4/tumblr_inline_neqrtby8hU1sse7bt.png Bastion is a Defensive character using abilities such as Configuration: Siege and Remote Mine to control key map points. -IGN Torbjorn, http://i.imgur.com/GGCom6Q.png Torbjorn is a defensive character capable of locking down key map areas. Torbjorn is the only character that can heal his turrets giving him long staying power and zone control. -IGN Zenyatta, http://orcz.com/images/thumb/b/bf/OverwatchZenyatta2.jpg/400px-OverwatchZenyatta2.jpg Zenyatta is a support character with incredible healing powers. Orb of Harmony and Transcendence provide mass healing for teammates for long duration. -IGN Winston, http://overwatch.blizzpro.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2014/11/Winston.jpg Winston is the very definition of tank. Using shields and buffs to soak damage for teammates in firefights and press for objectives. -IGN Pharah, http://bnetus-a.akamaihd.net/overwatch/static/media/screenshot/pharah-screenshot-003.1ZV98.jpg Pharah is an agile ranged character excelling at dealing with enemy tanks and strong defenders. Her Concussive Blast is the perfect tool to disable shields and create distance from enemy forces. -IGN Reinhardt, http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141107223747/overwatch/images/9/9d/Reinhardt.png Reinhardt is a melee tank specializing in forcing objectives and protecting allies. Reinhardt creates immense pressure on the map with skills such as Shield and Charge, using them to zone and reposition enemies off Objectives. -IGN Symmetra, http://i.imgur.com/Qjax5h7.png Symmetra is a adaptable support character, capable of defending objectives while helping her teammates simultaneously. With abilities such as Sentry Turret and Teleporter, Symmetra can position her team and protect objectives.​ I plan on completing this "pack" all by myself but help would be greatly appreciated and would defiantly speed up the time it takes to finish this! Here's my list of things that I plan to do (in order!). Finish Skinning all Heroes, having all Skins 100% Originally made and not referenced from other skinners. Complete Basic Weapons in Minecraft Upload 12 1.8+ Skins on Mine-Imator Complete Props Complete Maps Attempt to Upload 1.0.0 version Rigs Upload My Void Prop world to Mine-Imator Create Texture Pack? Update Rigs to make them "more smooth" Optional Plan: Recreate a Trailer Provided by Blizzard into Minecraft Format. ​Thanks for Reading! As a Bonus for the creation of this project I'll hand out the Tracer skin for all to use, please credit me somehow or message me before using it! http://i.imgur.com/dpsTIAJ.png NOTE: I'am very new to using Mine-Imator, though I do have some Animation practice that comes over from using Source Film Maker.
  6. Hey guys ^^ Alright, I made some pictures and I thought you guys would want to see them (No? Ok then.) Here I go! Sorry for my bad English, I'm Belgian ya know See you next time ! Also, these pics are free to use But inform me first if you wanna use one, thanks ^^ Edit : New ! Thanks DurRubinRux for the Rigs !
  7. ALERT: MASS UPDATE AHEAD! Before: *snap* 1.0.0 magic! After: That's right. Block Mobs are back and bigger that ever! Heeding advice from @MCWarrior, the build quality has overall been improved, and thanks to Mine-imator 1.0.0 they can be released as .object files, And plus, they keep their imported parts thanks to the addition of .blocks files being created in each seperate mob's folder. Features of rig: - Move arms, legs, head and torso - Different mobs made in the same way. - Bendable arms, legs and torso - 3D parts on some mobs - NEW Oresome Steve! Mobs finished Steve - Nothing too special Creeper - The infamous hisser Zombie (not shown) - Steve's undead brother Skeleton (not shown) - HEADSHOT! Pig (not shown) - Gimme some pork! Wither Skeleton (not shown) - Spookier, scarier, skeleton-er Mobs yet to come Enderman - Good luck having a staring contest with him Spider - To a skeleton, it's a horse. Player skins - Turn yourself into a Block Mob! Cow - Don't let Antvenom near it if you value it's live! Sheep - Without them, this rig wouldn't exist Zombie Pigman - Delivering some porky death To-do list: - Make limbs bendable Done! - Add armour and Items - Start a skin donation service (Give me a skin, and I'll convert it into a block mob) - Improve the overall build quality Done! Release info: (finally) Block Mobs will be released like a toy assortment brand. Upon release, there will be a starter pack consisting of Steve, Zombie, Creeper, Skeleton and Pig. As well as that, there will also be booster packs - download links on the topic randomly chosen with the forums new "random" BBCode option. Booster packs will consist of all those currently in "Mobs yet to come" at the time of this edit, and any other mobs that get made. The new Oresome Steve will be a rare find in the booster packs and you'll have to be quite lucky to get his download, unless you don't want him, in which case you'll be terribly, terribly unlucky. If you're familliar with LEGO Minifigures and similar toy assortment brands, you'll have a clear idea of how this booster pack concept will work. Why use booster packs? Because why not? But in all seriousness, Oresome Steve is the guilty one. Anything to make him all elusive and special and-this concept makes no logical sense whatsoever! Well that concept got covered. Um, now I don't know how to end this post.
  8. hello guys :'3 well, cause i have a new PC today and,, my old data can't be saved TwT yep, my old war suit can't be restored... then i decided to made this >:DD Still 60% tho X'D i'll finish it in 4 days
  9. So, it's not quite finished, but I thought I would share this with you guys anyway; my Nirvana wallpapers, based off of their Smells Like Teen Spirit music video. I guess you could say these are a WIP - (i.e -the guitar isn't identical, the bass is a tad too big, etc.) I will definitely post a better version of this at a later date, but I thought you guys would want to see the WIP version. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit Group Shots Kurt Cobain So, like I said, there will be a better version of these coming soon, so don't think that these are the final version. Well, I guess that's all there is to say about. Hope you guys like them! Credits -Guitar/Bass models - Clok's brother -Drumkit - DastronTheMighty with textures by ClokMaus -Everything else - ClokMaus
  10. well the hardest rig i'll made QwQ i'll try my best to create this armor 24/11/14 25/11/14 Critics and Comments are appreciated
  11. just a little WIP i am doing using SKIBBZ steve rig what do you think?
  12. This video is just suppose to show off scenery for a WIP animation.It's a complete remaster of an older animation I did in 0.7
  13. So,I saw the fad song and I decided to make an animaton for the music. Its not done,so,it may change. See you ASAP! PS:See in 1080p!
  14. hey guys Mr.Mg here working on a animation here is a pic from it and yes the rig is by Drayes i will give him credit
  15. Awesomellis's Facial Rig Here is the official Awesomecraft animation Rig! I plan to use this in future animations, and I decided to distribute it! Here are a few clips! (version 0.1.x): -Taken from 0.1.0 Version 0.2.x Clips: -Taken from 0.2.0-Taken from 0.2.1 -Taken from 0.2.2 Rig download: http://awesomecraft.org/files/Rig%200.3.0.zip Changelog: To-do list:
  16. Hey, Guys! So I recently got mineimator, and I thought to make a creation, WITH OTHERS IN IT! This isn't my first, so yeah. I'm just gonna need your skins for this. Here's what I have so far, it includes me and a friend of mine who has already given me his skin. People Added- Thanks, ~Sarak
  17. Hey guys! Today I bring you a Mouth Rig, Its a Wip and it can be goofy at times, Its my first bendable mouth rig! Steve is confused! He smiles like you never seen before! OMG NO WAY SO BENDY Stuff: Rig Youtube Oh and if you lieked liek! Okthxbai REMEMBER TO GIVE CREDIT ASWELL
  18. The Minegames! This is a picture made in mine-imator 1.0.0 demo 3 that will be ingame! Plz feedback if it looks good! Also can you find TheActionGirl?
  19. i was thinking about making this animation for a while, but i'll reupload it in 1.0.0 so here it is! Credit to AwesomeShah for le steve rig
  20. Hey guys, Alec here. So, I'll just cut to the chase (who says that anymore?) - I'm making a Hunger Games animation (hunger games in servers, not real hunger games) and I need your support. I need an arena, a forest one is more like it 11 other skins, 12 people will be in the animation, but i need 11 skins because i'm including me So, yeah. If you could send me any of those, message me on my YouTube and Email. YouTube: EpicHomiMC / ANARStuff , youtube.com/user/EpicHomieMC email: alecricaforte@gmail.com thanks! -Alec
  21. Hey guys! It's TheMinja and this is something I've been working on for a while. I love this anime (Naruto) so I decided to do an animation based on a fight between Naruto vs Sasuke. It's taking me awhile to do so here's a trailer! Let me know what you think! http://youtu.be/N5N-1JAHJT4 Don't forget to leave a thumbs up and subscribe for future videos! That'll help motivate me finish this animation faster . Enjoy!
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