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  1. I know, I know. Corellion, didn't you already make an R2-D2 with all of the gadgets like, a long long time ago? Well, yes. Yes I did. A lot of people liked that one, but eventually I started to realize how inaccurate it really was, atleast to the R2-D2 seen in A New Hope. You see, The R2-D2 from A New Hope is the best design for him, in my personal opinion, and I wanted to keep true to that likeness. His colors, and details change throughout the movies, no R2-D2 is the same in any of the movies. That's why I wanted to make sure I got it right. Don't get me wrong, that R2-D2 is still a pretty nice model, but I felt I could do better. That's why I decided to remake him. You might call me crazy for redoing a model that was probably already decent, rather than spending the time making a new model or learning new things, but oh well. What's done is done, haha. Anyways, here it is. I tried my best to make the proportions look better, as well as a better color of blue. Plus, there are some extra things that I wanted to add, and try out on him. I added a few more gadgets as well, that I missed the first time around. I completely redesigned the head and main details, (R2-D2's head is NOT a hemisphere, it's a common mistake. You can find diagrams for it online, making it work in mine-imator was a little harder than I thought it'd be. It's a customized shape in the movies that is only used for R2.) Here is all of his current features. -Fully animated (Rotating dome, moving legs, etc)-All doors open (even ones that don't open in the movies!)-All gadgets (Minus ones from Clone Wars or his Rocket Boosters. Minecraft flames wouldn't look right!)-Authentic Light systems (The logic screens are animated, and his light fades out like it's supposed to.) Movie Authentic Articulation: All the joints are in the right spots based off movie references. All Doors Open! Every little panel on R2-D2 opens up, regardless of whether it did in the movie. The ones that didn't open in the movie just have nothing behind them aside from mechanical detailing. Authentic Lights: R2-D2's PSI's light up and fade from red to blue, while rear one fades from Yellow to Green. In the movies, it would switch sides sometimes (Red on the left, or Blue on the right), but that isn't hard to change on the model based on whichever you like more. The logic displays on the front and back also are properly animated, fading from white to blue. The three Holoprojectors even light up, if you want him to search in the dark, or project a hologram of Princess Leia! Third Leg: Of course he has his third leg, it wouldn't be good old Artoo-Detoo without it! Have him roll on 3 legs, or waddle around on two. The choice is yours! Toggleable Restraining Bolt: Remember when the Jawas stuck that little restraining bolt on Artoo? Well now you can do the same! On the front, R2 has a restraining bolt that you can toggle on and off via to visibility tick. Many, Many Gadgets. Here's a list of every single one currently on the model: Periscope, Life Form Scanner, Taser(Prequels, in the Dome) Taser(Original Trilogy, in the body), Extrernal Utility Arms (Original Trilogy), Utility Arms(The second set or arms fold out from behind the first set of arms. In the original trilogy, he didnt have them, so you can toggle them off if you want! He has a metallic panel behind them, that way without them it will look authentic to the original trilogy. As for the Prequel lovers, the prequel version of the arms are still in there! They have a lot of detail, too.), Buzz Saw blade, Secondary Utility Arms(These come out the sides of his head, similar to Chopper. He doesn't use them very often, but they are seen in Revenge of the Sith as R2 distracts Grievous in the main ship.) Charging Port(It's the door that R2 used to power the lamp and recharge himself in The Empire Strikes Back. In the movies, there's a continuity issue where he uses the same panel that houses the taser, to charge himself. It makes sense at first, but in the taser scene, you can clearly see that the charging lights are gone, and vice versa for when he has the charging door open. I have them both in the same spot like in the movie, and I did my best to make it look good when it comes out.), Fire Extinguisher(He uses this to put out fires on the Millennium Falcon. It's the tiny door next to his PSI, which is the big red/blue light on his face.), Computer Interface Arm(R2-D2's infamous computer plug arm. This is only one of the interface arms, there actually is another arm that he uses to plug into computers in the movies, but I haven't modeled that specific one yet.), Gripper Arm(Ah yes, the arm that he fought Yoda with. It's a gripper arm, it can hold things, and he can swing it about. It's nifty. The Interface arm comes out of his right door, and the gripper arm comes out of his left door, but there is actually a second gripper arm that you can enable. This will help if you're animating him and it just works out better for him to use the gadget through the opposite side. Of course you could rearrange and of his gadgets to come out of different doors, but I'm trying to stay movie accurate. Magic Light Panel(No door comes out of it yet. He does have the door, but in the end of A New Hope you get to see him use an arm to repair Luke's X-Wing, and you can see it come out of the magic light panel. That door is nicknamed the magic light panel because in every movie, it appears to be a painted blue square frame, with very obvious aluminium metal in the middle. Yet, in Return of the Jedi, there's a scene where R2 gets electrocuted, and that door starts flashing red like a light. It only ever did this once, and in every other scene of every movie, it's a solid piece of metal. Anywho, it's on this model, and it does light up like it did in the movie. Set the glow to black, and it's that aluminum metal once more. Fantastic!) He's adorable! He's adorable in the most pure way possible. That's what R2-D2 is here for, right? Oh yeah, I guess he does also have sawblades and tasers, AND a kill count higher than the Burj Khalifa building in Dubai. oh. Hopefully the changes were worth it. I did this a little bit ago, and wanted to wait until I had done more on him to show it, but seeing as it's been a month or so and I haven't worked on him much, I figured I'd just show him off now. Eventually he'll have the rocket jets, the welder, the "magic light" utility arm, and potentially the sail barge drink serving arm/tray, but for now, this is where he is. He's one of my favorite models so far, but I'm biased towards the A New Hope R2-D2. Something about his design is just gorgeous to me, and none of the other movies have the same look. Eventually R5-D4 and R2-KT will get this upgrade too, but it might be a while. I have quite a few models on the backburner too, but I've mainly only shown those on my twitter, and in the discord. I also did want to say that I'd love to be more involved, if anyone is up to do some sort of collaboration, or just talk about rigging, my discord is CorellionCrusaders#0452, feel free to give me a DM. Just don't be weird about it, haha. I'd also gotten several people asking for specific models in my DMs, so here's something on that. Typically, I don't give out my rigs unless either 1: I know the person fairly well, or 2: the person has proven that they are trustworthy. That being said, there are a handful of people that I have given rigs, so it'd never hurt to ask. I'm very careful with them, they take a lot of work to create, and I don't want them to be edited and/or re-uploaded. Mine-imator doesn't have a good way to prevent textures from being taken off of models, and that makes me hesitant on who I give them out to, especially since I make textures from scratch for the most part. Plus, the ones that I don't make from scratch, some textures have licensing on them that prevents you from distributing the raw files, so I'd have to backtrack and replace those textures on certain models, if I were to release them. That's all from me. Take care everyone!
  2. V1: http://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/64193-3d-cake-rigs-vanilla-chocolate/ Extension: http://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/64425-3d-cake-rig-extension-1/ It's ya boi Spectral finally posting good content on the forums. Here's my improved version of my old 3D Cake Rig I made back when I had 50 rep or so. Look at the links above if you haven't seen the older version of the rig. 3D Cake Rig V2 Note: Buggy (mainly textures) >> Download << Pics: Instructions for n00bs:
  3. leo6701

    My New Rig

    Hey. if you clicked on this you want to see my rig! (or not i guess) heres a picture You get rig and sword DOWNLOAD M8 plsv ffeeeeeddddbccckkkkk
  4. Hey guys! Today, i'm releasing V2 of my minecraft facial rig, this time, you can make it smile or frown, and I added fingers! download (Download all the files): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ydzu60vo5r1zckg/AADq4uU8Hn7_7_zDMPy4wOfva?dl=0
  5. Made by HammerBrahh (Me) Rig used: SKIBBZ' steve rig https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCygrizlmiMO7OKC3X25UYLg
  6. Tomoki

    DJ Table rig V2

    Hello today i made an improvement of my Dj table rig. day Night with lights with a dj Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/wt3u3o7vkwwhe/dj_table_rig So yeah That's pretty much it
  7. Greetings everyone! Welcome to my wolf rig 2.0! Hope you enjoy your stay. relax, chat and comment! Full-body view Amazingly detailed ears, nose & pupils! (image cut off so ASCII to the rescue!) /¨|__________|¨\ | o o | [¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨[o¨¨¨¨o]¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨] Realistic wolf model - higher tail - front legs are thinner - front nails are longer & higher head Amazing spine and bendable tail! ____________________________________ (Remember.. if you enjoyed) ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨V¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
  8. This is version 2 of my crab. I think it is pretty good, the only difference is this one can open and close its claws. You can make it look like that original one I made by closing the claws. Upvote it if you like it. If you want me to make a special rig, leave your idea in the comment section please. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sk56ppd0ej6ynku/Crab%20v2.zip?m= Orginial Crab: http://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/14090-crab-07/
  9. WARNING! SOMETIMES IT CAN LAG YOUR COMPUTER! Other screenshots: The MECA 192 its here! Get it now! Download V2: http://www.mediafire.com/download/e6el981pkoe52n5/MECA_192_V2_by_Daguex.zip Download V1: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9lh1uoq6989aypb/MECA_192_by_Daguex.zip Features: - Bendable Arms and Legs - Puncher and Shooter - Custom texture - "Copyright" sign at the back - Blue Light Coming soon: - How to add custom textures - More weapons - Accesories - More Textures - How to add custom parts Changelog: -
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